Average Rent Increase Per Year

Last Updated: August 26, 2024

Highlights. In 2025*, U.S. Fair Market Rent (FMR) for a 2-bedroom apartment (2BR) increases 0.06% following a 12.4% increase for 2024.

  • In 2024, the average rent price increased 5.57%; hourly wages increased 3.48%.
  • Also in 2024, the price of homes for sale increased 6.26% while the average cost of all consumer items increased 3.22%.
  • 2023 had the largest annual rent increase (7.95%) since 1981 (8.68%).
  • Rent prices grew fastest between 1970 and 1980 (up 74.0%), with a 5.70% average annual growth rate (AAGR).

*For FMR, the date refers to that federal fiscal year (FY), which generally starts on October 1.
In this report, excepting FMR, data for 2024 refer to the average YoY growth for the first seven (7) months of the year unless otherwise noted.

21st Century Rent vs. Wage Inflation
Year Average Rent of Primary Residence Hourly Earnings & Net Compensation
2024 5.49% 3.48%
2023 7.95% 4.60%
2022 6.03% 5.40%
2021 2.25% 4.20%
2020 3.12% 4.90%
2019 3.71% 3.30%
2018 3.62% 3.00%
2017 3.81% 2.70%
2016 3.77% 2.50%
2015 3.57% 2.30%
2014 3.15% 2.10%
2013 2.83% 2.00%
2012 2.65% 2.00%
2011 1.71% 2.10%
2010 0.23% 1.80%
2009 2.28% 2.80%
2008 3.66% 3.10%
2007 4.26% 4.54%
2006 3.57% 4.60%
2005 2.99% 3.66%
2004 2.68% 4.65%
2003 2.93% 2.45%
2002 3.93% 1.00%
2001 4.45% 2.39%
2000 3.63% 5.53%

Wage growth from 2000-2007 represents annual net compensation; wage growth from 2008 onward represents average hourly earnings.

Jump to a state: AL | AK | AZ | AR | CA | CO | CT | DE | DC | FL | GA | HI | ID | IL | IN | IA | KS | KY | LA | ME | MD | MA | MI | MN | MS | MO | MT | NE | NV | NH | NJ | NM | NY | NC | ND | OH | OK | OR | PA | PR | RI | SC | SD | TN | TX | UT | VT | VA | WA | WV | WI | WY

National Average Rent Increase by Year

Typically, the average rent increases annually.

  • Between 2020 and 2024, the average rent increased 24.2%, with an AAGR of 4.99%.
  • In the 21st century, the average rent has increased 130.8%, averaging 3.51%  annual growth.
  • From 2007 to 2024, rent inflation outpaced hourly wage inflation 17.6%. 
  • Rent prices grew over six (6) times faster than real median household income from 2000 to 2022.
  • The 1980s had the fastest rent inflation among the last 10 decades, with an AAGR of 5.08% from 1980 to 1989.
  • In 1920, the average rent increased by a record 18.83%.
  • 1933 saw the largest YoY decline in average rent (-13.42%).

Line graph: Annual Housing Cost Growth according to U.S. Federal Reserve Economic Data

Average Housing Cost Growth

When the average rent increases, it’s usually accompanied by price hikes in other industries, including other types of housing costs.

  • The average price of homes for sale in the U.S. increased 6.26% from 2023 to 2024. 
  • Among homes sold between 2023 and the first half of 2024, prices increased $3,575 (0.70%).
  • Home prices in the U.S. had an AAGR of 10.38% from 2020 to 2023.
  • Among homes sold between 2020 and 2023, the sales price AAGR was 7.77%.
Average Rent vs. Home Price Inflation
Year Homes for Sale Rent of Primary Residence
2024 6.26% 5.57%
2023 5.77% 7.95%
2022 16.84% 6.03%
2021 13.74% 2.25%
2020 5.16% 3.12%
2019 4.63% 3.71%
2018 5.54% 3.62%
2017 5.42% 3.81%
2016 5.23% 3.77%
2015 5.14% 3.57%
2014 4.99% 3.15%
2013 3.75% 2.83%
2012 -0.27% 2.65%
2011 -3.86% 1.71%
2010 -4.08% 0.23%
2009 -5.55% 2.28%
2008 -5.14% 3.66%
2007 1.11% 4.26%
2006 7.16% 3.57%
2005 11.35% 2.99%
2004 9.38% 2.68%
2003 6.24% 2.93%
2002 6.33% 3.93%
2001 7.48% 4.45%
2000 6.40% 3.63%
1999 4.92% 3.14%
1998 5.12% 3.25%
1997 3.35% 2.91%
1996 3.45% 2.65%
1995 3.05% 2.45%
1994 2.53% 2.44%
1993 2.33% 2.34%
1992 2.78% 2.51%
1991 1.91% 3.55%
1990 3.14% 4.22%
1989 5.28% 3.89%
1988 5.37% 3.81%
1987 6.47% 4.12%
1986 6.83% 5.83%
1985 5.11% 6.14%
1984 4.47% 5.20%
1983 7.22% 5.78%
1982 1.11% 7.60%
1981 4.45% 8.68%
1980 7.89% 8.84%
1979 13.63% 7.31%
1978 14.02% 6.88%
1977 12.10% 6.01%
1976 7.32% 5.42%

Rent Inflation vs. Consumer Price Indices

Experts agree that inflation of other living expenses can influence housing markets directly or indirectly.[1]

  • All consumer prices increased 3.22% YoY in the first half of 2024.
  • From 2020 to 2023, consumer prices had an AAGR of 4.51%; rents grew at a 7.32% faster rate.
  • Energy prices increased 0.59% in 2024.
  • From 2020 to 2023, energy prices had an AAGR of 8.18%, growing at a 69.0% faster rate than the average rent.
  • Grocery prices increased 1.10% for 2024.
  • From 2020 to 2023, the cost of groceries had an AAGR of 5.85%, growing 20.9% faster than rent. 
  • Food prices in general increased 2.25% in 2024.
  • From 2020 to 2023, the cost of food had an AAGR of 5.77%, growing 19.2% faster than rent. 
  • For clothing, consumers pay 0.51% more in 2024 than in 2023.
  • Clothing prices from 2020 to 2023 had a 1.36% AAGR, growing 71.9% slower than rent inflation.
  • The cost of medical care increased 2.40% in 2024.
  • From 2020 to 2023, medical costs had an AAGR of 2.46%; rent inflation was 96.7% greater (almost twice as fast).

Line graph: Annual Consumer Price Growth according to U.S. Federal Reserve Economic Data

Historical Average Rent Increase

Changing rents influence and are influenced by wage inflation, population shifts, vacancies, tax laws, supply chains, as well as by major events (such as natural disasters and labor strikes) and other factors.

  • Rent inflation surpassed 5.00% in 2022 (6.03%) and 2023 (7.65%); before this, annual rent inflation remained under 5.00% after 1986 (5.83%).
  • YoY rent has not declined since 1934 (-4.27%).
  • Rent deflated an average 8.90% annually from 1931 through 1934.
  • Rent inflation peaked in the 1980s when the annual growth rate from 1980 to 1989 was 5.99%.
  • Monthly median gross rents peaked from 1970-80 when the monthly median gross rent had a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 8.45% (from $108 to $243).
  • Adjusted for currency inflation, median rent prices grew the fastest from 1950-60 (going from $42 to $71) with an adjusted CAGR of 3.24%.  
  • From 1940 to 2000, median gross rents in the U.S. had a CAGR of 5.31%.
  • Compared to the median gross rent 1940, U.S. median gross rent in 2000 was 21.3 times higher; adjusted for inflation, it was 81.4% higher.
Consumer Price Index for Rent of Primary Residence
Year Unadjusted Adjusted for Currency Inflation
1999 3.14% 1.60%
1998 3.25% 1.63%
1997 2.91% 1.44%
1996 2.65% 1.30%
1995 2.45% 1.21%
1994 2.44% 1.21%
1993 2.34% 1.16%
1992 2.51% 1.25%
1991 3.55% 1.78%
1990 4.22% 2.13%
1989 3.89% 1.98%
1988 3.81% 1.96%
1987 4.12% 2.13%
1986 5.83% 3.00%
1985 6.14% 3.04%
1984 5.20% 2.51%
1983 5.78% 2.77%
1982 7.60% 3.55%
1981 8.68% 4.00%
1980 8.84% 4.14%
1979 7.31% 3.57%
1978 6.88% 3.48%
1977 6.01% 3.06%
1976 5.42% 2.77%
1975 5.17% 2.66%
1974 5.00% 2.67%
1973 4.37% 2.47%
1972 3.44% 1.98%
1971 4.62% 2.65%
1970 4.14% 2.37%
1969 3.24% 1.88%
1968 2.39% 1.42%
1967 1.81% 1.09%
1966 1.36% 0.83%
1965 0.99% 0.61%
1964 1.04% 0.65%
1963 1.01% 0.63%
1962 1.23% 0.77%
1961 1.27% 0.79%
1960 1.48% 0.93%
1959 1.42% 0.88%
1958 1.85% 1.15%
1957 1.93% 1.21%
1956 1.83% 1.16%
1955 1.40% 0.89%
1954 3.56% 2.22%
1953 5.25% 3.17%
1952 4.18% 2.42%
1951 3.92% 2.23%
1950 3.72% 2.19%
1949 4.33% 2.49%
1948 6.62% 3.61%
1947 3.27% 1.80%
1946 0.60% 0.37%
1945 0.34% 0.23%
1944 0.20% 0.13%
1943 0.00% 0.00%
1942 2.24% 1.62%
1941 1.61% 1.26%
1940 0.28% 0.23%
1939 0.11% 0.09%
1938 2.93% 2.35%
1937 5.02% 3.83%
1936 2.34% 1.76%
1935 0.47% 0.35%
1934 -4.27% -3.24%
1933 -13.42% -11.02%
1932 -11.84% -10.63%
1931 -5.97% -5.45%
1930 -2.97% -2.63%
1929 -2.29% -2.04%
1928 -2.39% -2.17%
1927 -1.76% -1.62%
1926 -1.30% -1.20%
1925 0.29% 0.27%
1924 3.22% 3.09%
1923 3.01% 2.81%
1922 1.57% 1.45%
1921 12.32% 10.50%
1920 18.83% 12.72%
1919 8.64% 5.68%
1918 4.76% 3.32%
1917 -1.87% -1.46%
1916 0.94% 0.88%

Fair Market Rent Growth

The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) determines a given market’s FMR using 40% percentile rent prices.

  • FMR for a 2BR in the U.S. increases 0.06% from 2024 to 2025; 1BR FMR increases 0.22%.
  • Renters will pay $12 more for a 2BR in 2025 than they did in 2024.
  • From 2020 to 2025, the U.S. 2BR FMR increased 34.11%.
  • After adjusting for inflation, 2BR FMR increased 7.29% from 2020 to 2025.

National map: Average Rent Increase per Year according to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Develpment and the National Low Income Housing Coalition

State Fair Market Rent Growth

For each geographic area, HUD FMRs are weighted by market population. FMRs apply to years 2001 onward; only median gross rents are available for 1940 to 2000.

  • Among states (excluding territories), the 2BR FMR increases by an average of $491 (2.88%) in 2025 compared to 2024. 
  • The 2BR FMR average increase among states in 2025 is nearly 40 times higher than the national averageΔ increase of $12; in terms of percentage growth, it is 47 times higher. 
  • Idaho renters see the largest increase by percentage for a 2BR FMR (20.2%) in 2025, but West Virginia has the largest increase for a 1BR (25.6%). 
  • Meanwhile, West Virginia has the largest decline in 2BR FMR for 2025 (-17.0%); Illinois has the largest decline for 1BR (-11.5%).
  • In terms of dollar values, the District of Columbia sees the largest increase in 2BR FMRs ($3,228);(#7)  New Yorkers see the largest decline (-$2,160).
  • From 2020 to 2025, Idaho’s 2BR FMR grew the most (up 67.0%) followed by Arizona (61.9%) and Nevada (59.4%).
  • Also from 2020 to 2025, West Virginia’s 2BR FMR grew the least (up 2.44%) followed by Alaska (16.8%) and Wyoming (17.0%).

ΔThis difference is due to population variations. For example, California is home to the highest percentage of the renting population (15.1% in 2023) (#10) and has a 2BR FMR average YoY increase of 2.19% (35.5 times higher than percentage growth for the national 2BR FMR) for 2025.

States 2BR FMR Period Growth
Geographic Area 2024-25 2020-25 
United States 0.06% 34.11%
Alabama -2.12% 32.38%
Alaska 2.55% 17.02%
Arizona 4.47% 61.90%
Arkansas -1.11% 32.25%
California 2.19% 31.01%
Colorado -3.39% 36.87%
Connecticut 2.39% 34.04%
Delaware 3.32% 44.22%
District of Columbia 13.15% 35.56%
Florida 3.38% 49.21%
Georgia 1.53% 53.92%
Hawaii 9.14% 25.61%
Idaho 20.18% 66.98%
Illinois -10.21% 21.39%
Indiana -0.78% 34.32%
Iowa 4.69% 21.25%
Kansas 2.08% 26.55%
Kentucky 0.55% 40.51%
Louisiana 2.09% 29.15%
Maine 5.76% 41.01%
Maryland 6.81% 39.75%
Massachusetts -1.84% 23.93%
Michigan 3.90% 38.08%
Minnesota 1.69% 35.02%
Mississippi 3.45% 39.28%
Missouri 2.31% 32.54%
Montana 17.53% 44.31%
Nebraska 4.82% 30.97%
Nevada 5.79% 59.44%
New Hampshire 6.27% 48.85%
New Jersey 3.33% 32.51%
New Mexico 5.11% 40.07%
New York -7.73% 27.03%
North Carolina 5.95% 51.14%
North Dakota 5.33% 19.74%
Ohio 6.19% 38.10%
Oklahoma 4.25% 30.31%
Oregon 0.59% 33.54%
Pennsylvania 4.10% 42.10%
Puerto Rico 0.00% 23.61%
Rhode Island -4.69% 49.41%
South Carolina 6.95% 48.78%
South Dakota -4.10% 23.83%
Tennessee 8.78% 54.67%
Texas 3.66% 38.27%
Utah 7.37% 45.59%
Vermont -1.18% 24.44%
Virginia 10.81% 41.82%
Washington -1.29% 30.68%
West Virginia -16.98% 2.44%
Wisconsin 4.25% 31.07%
Wyoming -4.49% 16.82%

Alabama Rent Increase Per Year

FMR for a 2BR in Alabama declines 2.12% from 2024 to 2025; 1BR FMR declines 0.77%.

  • Alabama renters will pay $276 less for a 2BR in 2025 than they did in 2024.
  • From 2020 to 2025, the Alabama 2BR FMR increased 32.38%.
  • After adjusting for inflation, Alabama’s 2BR FMR increased 5.90% from 2020 to 2025.
  • Alabama’s unadjusted median rent inflation peaked from 1970-80 when the monthly median gross rent increased from $69 to $188.
  • Adjusted for currency inflation, Alabama’s rent prices grew the fastest from 1950-60; monthly median gross rent increased from $25 to $45.
  • From 1940 to 2000, median gross rents in Alabama had a CAGR of 6.21%; from 2010 to 2025, the CAGR of Alabama’s 2BR FMR was 3.28%.
  • Compared to the median gross rent 1940, Alabama’s median gross rent in 2000 was 36.3 times higher; adjusted for inflation, it was 3.55 times as high.
  • 2025 2BR FMR for Alabama is 62.3% higher than 2010; adjusted for inflation, it’s 9.39% higher.
Alabama Rent Compound Annual Growth Rates
Time Period Unadjusted Adjusted for Currency Inflation
2020-25 2.84% 0.58%
2010-20 2.06% 0.32%
2000-10 3.89% 1.22%
1990-2000 3.24% 0.75%
1980-90 5.63% 1.10%
1970-80 10.54% 3.45%
1960-70 4.37% 1.79%
1950-60 6.05% 4.07%
1940-50 7.62% 1.69%

Alaska Rent Increase Per Year

FMR for a 2BR in Alaska increases 2.55% from 2024 to 2025; 1BR FMR increases 2.97%.

  • Alaska renters will pay $456 more for a 2BR in 2025 than they did in 2024.
  • From 2020 to 2025, the Alaska 2BR FMR increased 17.02%.
  • After adjusting for inflation, Alaska’s 2BR FMR declined 6.38% from 2020 to 2025.
  • Alaska’s unadjusted rent inflation peaked from 1970-80 when the monthly median gross rent increased from $189 to $368.
  • Adjusted for currency inflation, Alaska’s rent prices grew the fastest from 1960-70; monthly median gross rent increased from $126 to $189.
  • From 1960 to 2000, median gross rents in Alaska had a CAGR of 4.45%; from 2010 to 2025, the CAGR of Alaska’s 2BR FMR was 2.47%.
  • Compared to the median gross rent 1960, Alaska’s median gross rent in 2000 was 4.71 times higher; adjusted for inflation, it was 15.94% higher.
  • 2025 2BR FMR for Alaska is 44.1% higher than 2010; adjusted for inflation, it’s 2.87% lower.
Alaska Rent Compound Annual Growth Rates
Time Period Unadjusted Adjusted for Inflation
2020-25 1.58% -0.66%
2010-20 2.10% 0.37%
2000-10 3.93% 1.26%
1990-2000 2.56% 0.08%
1980-90 4.27% -0.19%
1970-80 6.89% 0.03%
1960-70 4.14% 1.57%

Arizona Rent Increase Per Year

FMR for a 2BR in Arizona increases 4.47% from 2024 to 2025; 1BR FMR increases 5.58%.

  • Arizona renters will pay $912 more for a 2BR in 2025 than they did in 2024.
  • From 2020 to 2025, the Arizona 2BR FMR increased 61.9%.
  • After adjusting for inflation, Arizona’s 2BR FMR increased 29.5% from 2020 to 2025.
  • Arizona’s unadjusted rent inflation peaked from 1970-80 when the monthly median gross rent increased from $109 to $264.
  • Adjusted for currency inflation, Arizona’s median gross rent grew the fastest from 1950-60; monthly median gross rent increased from $37 to $69.
  • From 1940 to 2000, median gross rents in Arizona had a CAGR of 6.07%; from 2010 to 2025, the CAGR of Arizona’s 2BR FMR was 3.28%.
  • Compared to the median gross rent 1940, Arizona’s median gross rent in 2000 was 36.25 times higher; adjusted for inflation, it was 3.55 times as high.
  • 2025 2BR FMR for Arizona is twice as high as it was in 2010; adjusted for inflation, it’s 35.4% higher.
Arizona Rent Compound Annual Growth Rates
Time Period Unadjusted Adjusted for Inflation
2020-25 4.94% 2.62%
2010-20 2.18% 0.45%
2000-10 3.63% 0.96%
1990-2000 3.52% 1.01%
1980-90 5.19% 0.69%
1970-80 9.25% 2.24%
1960-70 4.68% 2.11%
1950-60 6.43% 4.31%
1940-50 7.47% 1.61%

Arkansas Rent Increase Per Year

FMR for a 2BR in Arkansas declined 1.11% from 2024 to 2025; 1BR FMR declines 1.72%.

  • Arkansas renters will pay $132 less for a 2BR in 2025 than they did in 2024.
  • From 2020 to 2025, the Arkansas 2BR FMR increased 32.25%.
  • After adjusting for inflation, Arkansas’ 2BR FMR increased 5.80% from 2020 to 2025.
  • Arkansas’ unadjusted rent inflation peaked from 1970-80 when the monthly median gross rent increased from $71 to $185.
  • Adjusted for currency inflation, Arkansas’ rent prices grew the fastest from 1940-50; monthly median gross rent increased from $12 to $28.
  • From 1940 to 2000, median gross rents in Arkansas had a CAGR of 6.24%; from 2010 to 2025, the CAGR of Arkansas’ 2BR FMR was 3.32%.
  • Compared to the median gross rent 1940, Arkansas’ median gross rent in 2000 was 36.75 times higher; adjusted for inflation, it was 3.74 times as high.
  • 2025 2BR FMR for Arkansas is 63.2% higher than 2010; adjusted for inflation, it’s 10.0% higher.
Arkansas Rent Compound Annual Growth Rates
Time Period Unadjusted Adjusted for Inflation
2020-25 2.83% 0.57%
2010-20 2.13% 0.39%
2000-10 2.82% 0.17%
1990-2000 3.28% 0.78%
1980-90 5.89% 1.36%
1970-80 10.05% 2.98%
1960-70 4.21% 1.64%
1950-60 5.32% 3.22%
1940-50 8.84% 3.40%

California Rent Increase Per Year

FMR for a 2BR in California increases 2.19% from 2024 to 2025; 1BR FMR increases 2.66%.

  • California renters will pay $648 more for a 2BR in 2025 than they did in 2024.
  • From 2020 to 2025, the California 2BR FMR increased 31.01%.
  • After adjusting for inflation, California’s 2BR FMR increased 4.81% from 2020 to 2025.
  • California’s unadjusted rent inflation peaked from 1970-80 when the monthly median gross rent increased from $126 to $283.
  • Adjusted for currency inflation, California’s rent prices grew the fastest from 1950-60; monthly median gross rent increased from $42 to $79.
  • From 1940 to 2000, median gross rents in California had a CAGR of 5.69%; from 2010 to 2025, the CAGR of California’s 2BR FMR was 4.36%.
  • Compared to the median gross rent 1940, California’s median gross rent in 2000 was 26.7 times higher; adjusted for inflation, it was 2.61 times as high.
  • 2025 2BR FMR for California is 89.75% higher than 2010; adjusted for inflation, it’s 27.9% higher.
California Rent Compound Annual Growth Rates
Time Period Unadjusted Adjusted for Inflation
2020-25 2.74% 0.47%
2010-20 3.77% 2.01%
2000-10 5.91% 3.19%
1990-2000 1.88% -0.58%
1980-90 8.16% 3.53%
1970-80 8.43% 1.47%
1960-70 4.78% 2.21%
1950-60 6.52% 4.27%
1940-50 4.52% -1.10%

Colorado Rent Increase Per Year

FMR for a 2BR in Colorado declines 3.39% from 2024 to 2025; 1BR FMR declines 2.87%.

  • Colorado renters will pay $792 less for a 2BR in 2025 than they did in 2024.
  • From 2020 to 2025, the Colorado 2BR FMR increased 36.9%.
  • After adjusting for inflation, Colorado’s 2BR FMR increased 9.50% from 2020 to 2025.
  • Colorado’s unadjusted rent inflation peaked from 1970-80 when the monthly median gross rent increased from $110 to $252.
  • Adjusted for currency inflation, Colorado’s rent prices grew the fastest from 1950-60; monthly median gross rent increased from $39 to $72.
  • From 1940 to 2000, median gross rents in Colorado had a CAGR of 5.86%; from 2010 to 2025, the CAGR of Colorado’s 2BR FMR was 5.14%.
  • Compared to the median gross rent 1940, Colorado’s median gross rent in 2000 was 29.5 times higher; adjusted for inflation, it was 2.92 times as high.
  • 2025 2BR FMR for Colorado is more than twice as high as it was in 2010; adjusted for inflation, it’s 43.0% higher.
Colorado Rent Compound Annual Growth Rates
Time Period Unadjusted Adjusted for Inflation
2020-25 3.19% 0.91%
2010-20 4.48% 2.71%
2000-10 2.83% 0.19%
1990-2000 4.85% 2.31%
1980-90 5.19% 0.68%
1970-80 8.64% 1.69%
1960-70 4.33% 1.74%
1950-60 6.32% 4.08%
1940-50 5.89% 0.34%

Connecticut Rent Increase Per Year

FMR for a 2BR in Connecticut increases 2.39%% from 2024 to 2025; 1BR FMR increases 2.34%.

  • Connecticut renters will pay $516 more for a 2BR in 2025 than they did in 2024.
  • From 2020 to 2025, the Connecticut 2BR FMR increased 34.0%.
  • After adjusting for inflation, Connecticut’s 2BR FMR increased 7.23% from 2020 to 2025.
  • Connecticut’s rent inflation (unadjusted and adjusted for inflation) peaked from 1980-90 when the monthly median gross rent increased from $260 to $598.
  • From 1940 to 2000, median gross rents in Connecticut had a CAGR of 5.12%; from 2010 to 2025, the CAGR of Connecticut’s 2BR FMR was 2.91%.
  • Compared to the median gross rent 1940, Connecticut’s median gross rent in 2000 was 19 times higher; adjusted for inflation, it was 94.0% higher.
  • 2025 2BR FMR for Connecticut is 53.8% higher than 2010; adjusted for inflation, it’s 3.64% higher.
Connecticut Rent Compound Annual Growth Rates
Time Period Unadjusted Adjusted for Inflation
2020-25 2.97% 0.70%
2010-20 1.38% -0.34%
2000-10 5.79% 3.07%
1990-2000 1.31% -1.14%
1980-90 8.69% 4.02%
1970-80 7.43% 0.54%
1960-70 5.13% 2.56%
1950-60 5.52% 3.30%
1940-50 2.84% -2.45%

Delaware Rent Increase Per Year

FMR for a 2BR in Delaware increases 3.32% from 2024 to 2025; 1BR FMR increases 2.52%.

  • Delaware renters will pay $636 more for a 2BR in 2025 than they did in 2024.
  • From 2020 to 2025, the Delaware 2BR FMR increased 44.2%.
  • After adjusting for inflation, Delaware’s 2BR FMR increased 15.4% from 2020 to 2025.
  • Delaware’s unadjusted rent inflation peaked from 1970-80 when the monthly median gross rent increased from $111 to $247.
  • Adjusted for currency inflation, Delaware’s rent prices grew the fastest from 1950-60; monthly median gross rent increased from $46 to $77.
  • From 1940 to 2000, median gross rents in Delaware had a CAGR of 5.23%; from 2010 to 2025, the CAGR of Delaware’s 2BR FMR was 3.35%.
  • Compared to the median gross rent 1940, Delaware’s median gross rent in 2000 was 20.3 times higher; adjusted for inflation, it was 2.07 times as high.
  • 2025 2BR FMR for Delaware is 64.0% higher than 2010; adjusted for inflation, it’s 10.6% higher.
Delaware Rent Compound Annual Growth Rates
Time Period Unadjusted Adjusted for Inflation
2020-25 3.73% 1.44%
2010-20 1.30% -0.42%
2000-10 4.62% 1.93%
1990-2000 2.59% 0.11%
1980-90 7.20% 2.60%
1970-80 8.33% 1.39%
1960-70 3.72% 1.18%
1950-60 5.29% 3.11%
1940-50 4.37% -0.98%

District of Columbia Rent Increase Per Year

FMR for a 2BR in D.C. increases 13.15% from 2024 to 2025; 1BR FMR increases 14.0%.

  • D.C. renters will pay $3,228 more for a 2BR in 2025 than they did in 2024.
  • From 2020 to 2025, the D.C. 2BR FMR increased 35.6%.
  • After adjusting for inflation, D.C.’s 2BR FMR increased 8.45% from 2020 to 2025.
  • In the 20th century, D.C.’s rent prices (before and after adjusting for inflation) peaked from 1980-90 when the monthly median gross rent increased from $224 to $479.
  • From 1940 to 2000, median gross rents in D.C. had a CAGR of 4.46%; from 2010 to 2025, the CAGR of D.C.’s 2BR FMR was 2.96%.
  • Compared to the median gross rent 1940, D.C.’s median gross rent in 2000 was 12.7 times higher; adjusted for inflation, it was  31.2% higher.
  • 2025 2BR FMR for D.C. is 54.9% higher than 2010; adjusted for inflation, it’s 4.40% higher.
D.C. Rent Compound Annual Growth Rates
Time Period Unadjusted Adjusted for Inflation
2020-25 3.09% 0.81%
2010-20 1.34% -0.38%
2000-10 9.23% 6.42%
1990-2000 2.58% 0.10%
1980-90 7.90% 3.28%
1970-80 6.53% -0.31%
1960-70 3.92% 1.37%
1950-60 3.58% 1.44%
1940-50 2.39% -3.04%

Florida Rent Increase Per Year

FMR for a 2BR in Florida increases 3.38% from 2024 to 2025; 1BR FMR increases 4.13%.

  • Florida renters will pay $744 more for a 2BR in 2025 than they did in 2024.
  • From 2020 to 2025, the Florida 2BR FMR increased 49.2%.
  • After adjusting for inflation, Florida’s 2BR FMR increased 19.4% from 2020 to 2025.
  • Florida’s unadjusted rent inflation peaked from 1940-50 when the monthly median gross rent increased from $16 to $39.
  • Adjusted for currency inflation, Florida’s rent prices grew the fastest from 1950-60; monthly median gross rent increased to $71.
  • From 1940 to 2000, median gross rents in Florida had a CAGR of 6.34%; from 2010 to 2025, the CAGR of Florida’s 2BR FMR was 3.98%.
  • Compared to the median gross rent 1940, Florida’s median gross rent in 2000 was 39 times higher; adjusted for inflation, it was 3.93 times as high.
  • 2025 2BR FMR for Florida is 79.6% higher than 2010; adjusted for inflation, it’s 21.1% higher.
Florida Rent Compound Annual Growth Rates
Time Period Unadjusted Adjusted for Inflation
2020-25 4.08% 1.79%
2010-20 1.87% 0.14%
2000-10 5.11% 2.41%
1990-2000 2.91% 0.41%
1980-90 6.55% 1.99%
1970-80 8.58% 1.62%
1960-70 4.66% 2.08%
1950-60 6.17% 3.93%
1940-50 9.32% 3.86%

Georgia Rent Increase Per Year

FMR for a 2BR in Georgia increases 1.53% from 2024 to 2025; 1BR FMR increases 2.65%.

  • Georgia renters will pay $276 more for a 2BR in 2025 than they did in 2024.
  • From 2020 to 2025, the Georgia 2BR FMR increased 53.9%.
  • After adjusting for inflation, Georgia’s 2BR FMR increased 23.1% from 2020 to 2025.
  • Georgia’s unadjusted rent inflation peaked from 1970-80 when the monthly median gross rent increased from $86 to $211.
  • Adjusted for currency inflation, Georgia’s rent prices grew the fastest from 1950-60; monthly median gross rent increased from $27 to $57.
  • From 1940 to 2000, median gross rents in Georgia had a CAGR of 6.63%; from 2010 to 2025, the CAGR of Georgia’s 2BR FMR was 4.51%.
  • Compared to the median gross rent 1940, Georgia’s median gross rent in 2000 was 46.15 times higher; adjusted for inflation, it was 4.57 times as high.
  • 2025 2BR FMR for Georgia is 93.9% higher than 2010; adjusted for inflation, it’s 30.7% higher.
Georgia Rent Compound Annual Growth Rates
Time Period Unadjusted Adjusted for Inflation
2020-25 4.41% 2.10%
2010-20 2.34% 0.60%
2000-10 2.56% -0.08%
1990-2000 3.54% 1.04%
1980-90 7.45% 2.84%
1970-80 9.39% 2.39%
1960-70 5.36% 2.77%
1950-60 6.57% 4.22%
1940-50 7.58% 2.16%

Hawaii Rent Increase Per Year

FMR for a 2BR in Hawaii increases 9.14% from 2024 to 2025; 1BR FMR increases 8.76%.

  • Hawaii renters will pay $2,544 more for a 2BR in 2025 than they did in 2024.
  • From 2020 to 2025, the Hawaii 2BR FMR increased 25.6%.
  • After adjusting for inflation, Hawaii’s 2BR FMR increased 0.49% from 2020 to 2025.
  • Hawaii’s unadjusted rent inflation peaked from 1970-80 when the monthly median gross rent increased from $132 to $311.
  • In the 20th century, after adjusting for currency inflation, Hawaii’s rent prices grew the fastest from 1960-70; monthly median gross rent increased from $72.
  • From 1960 to 2000, median gross rents in Hawaii had a CAGR of 6.13%; from 2010 to 2025, the CAGR of Hawaii’s 2BR FMR was 3.06%.
  • Compared to the median gross rent 1960, Hawaii’s median gross rent in 2000 was 9.82 times higher; adjusted for inflation, it was 2.19 times as high.
  • 2025 2BR FMR for Hawaii is 57.2% higher than 2010; adjusted for inflation, it’s 5.96% higher.
Hawaii Rent Compound Annual Growth Rates
Time Period Unadjusted Adjusted for Inflation
2020-25 2.31% 0.05%
2010-20 2.27% 0.53%
2000-10 7.53% 4.77%
1990-2000 1.83% -0.63%
1980-90 7.65% 3.03%
1970-80 8.95% 1.97%
1960-70 6.25% 3.63%

Idaho Rent Increase Per Year

FMR for a 2BR in Idaho increases 20.2% from 2024 to 2025; 1BR FMR increases 22.0%.

  • Idaho renters will pay $2,904 more for a 2BR in 2025 than they did in 2024.
  • From 2020 to 2025, the Idaho 2BR FMR increased 67.0%.
  • After adjusting for inflation, Idaho’s 2BR FMR increased 33.6% from 2020 to 2025.
  • Idaho’s unadjusted rent inflation peaked from 1970-80 when the monthly median gross rent increased from $92 to $218.
  • Adjusted for currency inflation, Idaho’s rent prices grew the fastest from 2020-25; monthly 2BR FMR increased from $863 to $1,441.
  • From 1940 to 2000, median gross rents in Idaho had a CAGR of 5.48%; from 2010 to 2025, the CAGR of Idaho’s 2BR FMR was 5.09%.
  • Compared to the median gross rent 1940, Idaho’s median gross rent in 2000 was 23.5 times higher; adjusted for inflation, it was 2.38 times as high.
  • 2025 2BR FMR for Idaho is more than twice what it was in 2010; adjusted for inflation, it’s 42.0% higher.
Idaho Rent Compound Annual Growth Rates
Time Period Unadjusted Adjusted for Inflation
2020-25 5.26% 2.94%
2010-20 2.35% 0.61%
2000-10 2.88% 0.23%
1990-2000 4.55% 2.01%
1980-90 4.23% -0.23%
1970-80 9.01% 2.04%
1960-70 3.54% 0.99%
1950-60 3.98% 1.87%
1940-50 7.68% 2.10%

Illinois Rent Increase Per Year

FMR for a 2BR in Illinois declined 10.2% from 2024 to 2025; 1BR FMR declines 11.48%.

  • Illinois renters will pay $1,836 less for a 2BR in 2025 than they did in 2024.
  • From 2020 to 2025, the Illinois 2BR FMR increased 21.4%.
  • After adjusting for inflation, Illinois’ 2BR FMR declined 2.89% from 2020 to 2025.
  • Illinois’ unadjusted rent inflation peaked from 1970-80 when the monthly median gross rent increased from $124 to $246.
  • Adjusted for currency inflation, Illinois’ rent prices grew the fastest from 1950-60; monthly median gross rent increased from $47 to $85.
  • From 1940 to 2000, median gross rents in Illinois had a CAGR of 4.97%; from 2010 to 2025, the CAGR of Illinois’ 2BR FMR was 2.66%.
  • Compared to the median gross rent 1940, Illinois’ median gross rent in 2000 was 17.3 times higher; adjusted for inflation, it was 78.47% higher.
  • 2025 2BR FMR for Illinois is 48.3% higher than 2010; adjusted for inflation, it’s 0.05% lower.
Illinois Rent Compound Annual Growth Rates
Time Period Unadjusted Adjusted for Inflation
2020-25 1.96% -0.29%
2010-20 2.02% 0.29%
2000-10 4.13% 1.46%
1990-2000 3.12% 0.62%
1980-90 6.11% 1.57%
1970-80 7.09% 0.23%
1960-70 3.85% 1.28%
1950-60 6.10% 3.89%
1940-50 3.60% -1.69%

Indiana Rent Increase Per Year

FMR for a 2BR in Indiana declines 0.78% from 2024 to 2025; 1BR FMR declines 0.95%.

  • Indiana renters will pay $108 less for a 2BR in 2025 than they did in 2024.
  • From 2020 to 2025, the Indiana 2BR FMR increased 34.3%.
  • After adjusting for inflation, Indiana’s 2BR FMR increased 7.45% from 2020 to 2025.
  • Indiana’s unadjusted rent inflation peaked from 1970-80 when the monthly median gross rent increased from $105 to $218.
  • Adjusted for currency inflation, Indiana’s rent prices grew the fastest from 1950-60; monthly median gross rent increased from $42 to $70.
  • From 1940 to 2000, median gross rents in Indiana had a CAGR of 5.26%; from 2010 to 2025, the CAGR of Indiana’s 2BR FMR was 3.24%.
  • Compared to the median gross rent 1940, Indiana’s median gross rent in 2000 was 20.7 times higher; adjusted for inflation, it was 2.12 times as high.
  • 2025 2BR FMR for Indiana is 61.3% higher than 2010; adjusted for inflation, it’s 8.74% higher.
Indiana Rent Compound Annual Growth Rates
Time Period Unadjusted Adjusted for Inflation
2020-25 2.99% 0.72%
2010-20 1.85% 0.12%
2000-10 3.09% 0.44%
1990-2000 3.37% 0.87%
1980-90 5.55% 1.02%
1970-80 7.58% 0.70%
1960-70 4.14% 1.57%
1950-60 5.24% 3.11%
1940-50 5.76% 0.32%

Iowa Rent Increase Per Year

FMR for a 2BR in Iowa increases 4.69% from 2024 to 2025; 1BR FMR increases 4.82%.

  • Iowa renters will pay $552 more for a 2BR in 2025 than they did in 2024.
  • From 2020 to 2025, the Iowa 2BR FMR increased 21.25%.
  • After adjusting for inflation, Iowa’s 2BR FMR declined 3.00% from 2020 to 2025.
  • Iowa’s unadjusted rent inflation peaked from 1970-80 when the monthly median gross rent increased from $99 to $226.
  • Adjusted for currency inflation, Iowa’s rent prices grew the fastest from 1950-60; monthly median gross rent increased from $43 to $68.
  • From 1940 to 2000, median gross rents in Iowa had a CAGR of 5.16%; from 2010 to 2025, the CAGR of Iowa’s 2BR FMR was 3.24%.
  • Compared to the median gross rent 1940, Iowa’s median gross rent in 2000 was 19.4 times higher; adjusted for inflation, it was 1.96 times as high.
  • 2025 2BR FMR for Iowa is 61.2% higher than 2010; adjusted for inflation, it’s 8.67% higher.
Iowa Rent Compound Annual Growth Rates
Time Period Unadjusted Adjusted for Inflation
2020-25 1.95% -0.30%
2010-20 2.89% 1.14%
2000-10 3.09% 0.44%
1990-2000 3.41% 0.92%
1980-90 4.05% -0.41%
1970-80 8.60% 1.64%
1960-70 3.83% 1.27%
1950-60 4.69% 2.65%
1940-50 6.46% 0.73%

Kansas Rent Increase Per Year

FMR for a 2BR in Kansas increases 2.08% from 2024 to 2025; 1BR FMR increases 2.80%.

  • Kansas renters will pay $264 more for a 2BR in 2025 than they did in 2024.
  • From 2020 to 2025, the Kansas 2BR FMR increased 26.5%.
  • After adjusting for inflation, Kansas’ 2BR FMR increased 1.24% from 2020 to 2025.
  • Kansas’ unadjusted rent inflation peaked from 1970-80 when the monthly median gross rent increased from $94 to $218.
  • Adjusted for currency inflation, Kansas’ rent prices grew the fastest from 1950-60; monthly median gross rent increased from $38 to $66.
  • From 1940 to 2000, median gross rents in Kansas had a CAGR of 5.59%; from 2010 to 2025, the CAGR of Kansas’ 2BR FMR was 23.2%.
  • Compared to the median gross rent 1940, Kansas’ median gross rent in 2000 was 25.2 times higher; adjusted for inflation, it was 2.55 times as high.
  • 2025 2BR FMR for Kansas is 59.6% higher than 2010; adjusted for inflation, it’s 7.57% higher.
Kansas Rent Compound Annual Growth Rates
Time Period Unadjusted Adjusted for Inflation
2020-25 2.38% 0.12%
2010-20 2.35% 0.61%
2000-10 3.13% 0.48%
1990-2000 2.96% 0.47%
1980-90 5.49% 0.95%
1970-80 8.78% 1.81%
1960-70 3.60% 1.06%
1950-60 5.68% 3.65%
1940-50 7.18% 1.53%

Kentucky Rent Increase Per Year

FMR for a 2BR in Kentucky increases 0.55% from 2024 to 2025; 1BR FMR increases 0.23%.

  • Kentucky renters will pay $72 more for a 2BR in 2025 than they did in 2024.
  • From 2020 to 2025, the Kentucky 2BR FMR increased 40.5%.
  • After adjusting for inflation, Kentucky’s 2BR FMR increased 12.4% from 2020 to 2025.
  • Kentucky’s unadjusted rent inflation peaked from 1970-80 when the monthly median gross rent increased from $83 to $198.
  • Adjusted for currency inflation, Kentucky’s rent prices grew the fastest from 1950-60; monthly median gross rent increased from $31 to $55.
  • From 1940 to 2000, median gross rents in Kentucky had a CAGR of 5.70%; from 2010 to 2025, the CAGR of Kentucky’s 2BR FMR was 3.72%.
  • Compared to the median gross rent 1940, Kentucky’s median gross rent in 2000 was 26.8 times higher; adjusted for inflation, it was 2.66 times as high.
  • 2025 2BR FMR for Kentucky is 72.9% higher than 2010; adjusted for inflation, it’s 16.5% higher.
Kentucky Rent Compound Annual Growth Rates
Time Period Unadjusted Adjusted for Inflation
2020-25 3.46% 1.18%
2010-20 2.09% 0.36%
2000-10 3.60% 0.94%
1990-2000 3.38% 0.87%
1980-90 4.88% 0.40%
1970-80 9.08% 2.08%
1960-70 4.20% 1.64%
1950-60 5.90% 3.84%
1940-50 6.84% 1.08%

Louisiana Rent Increase Per Year

FMR for a 2BR in Louisiana increases 2.09% from 2024 to 2025; 1BR FMR increases 1.77%.

  • Louisiana renters will pay $288 more for a 2BR in 2025 than they did in 2024.
  • From 2020 to 2025, the Louisiana 2BR FMR increased 29.2%.
  • After adjusting for inflation, Louisiana’s 2BR FMR increased 3.32% from 2020 to 2025.
  • Louisiana’s unadjusted rent inflation peaked from 1970-80 when the monthly median gross rent increased from $81 to $214.
  • Adjusted for currency inflation, Louisiana’s rent prices grew the fastest from 1950-60; monthly median gross rent increased from $27 to $53.
  • From 1940 to 2000, median gross rents in Louisiana had a CAGR of 5.89%; from 2010 to 2025, the CAGR of Louisiana’s 2BR FMR was 2.71%.
  • Compared to the median gross rent 1940, Louisiana’s median gross rent in 2000 was 30.1 times higher; adjusted for inflation, it was 2.97 times as high.
  • 2025 2BR FMR for Louisiana is 49.4% higher than 2010; adjusted for inflation, it’s 0.67% higher.
Louisiana Rent Compound Annual Growth Rates
Time Period Unadjusted Adjusted for Inflation
2020-25 2.59% 0.33%
2010-20 1.46% -0.26%
2000-10 5.37% 2.66%
1990-2000 2.85% 0.35%
1980-90 5.10% 0.60%
1970-80 10.20% 3.15%
1960-70 4.33% 1.77%
1950-60 6.98% 4.88%
1940-50 6.05% 0.31%

Maine Rent Increase Per Year

FMR for a 2BR in Maine increases 5.76% from 2024 to 2025; 1BR FMR increases 6.41%.

  • Maine renters will pay $948 more for a 2BR in 2025 than they did in 2024.
  • From 2020 to 2025, the Maine 2BR FMR increased 41.0%.
  • After adjusting for inflation, Maine’s 2BR FMR increased 12.8% from 2020 to 2025.
  • Maine’s unadjusted rent inflation peaked from 1970-80 when the monthly median gross rent increased from $90 to $216.
  • Adjusted for currency inflation, Maine’s rent prices grew the fastest from 1950-60; monthly median gross rent increased from $41 to $64.
  • From 1940 to 2000, median gross rents in Maine had a CAGR of 5.11%; from 2010 to 2025, the CAGR of Maine’s 2BR FMR was 3.76%.
  • Compared to the median gross rent 1940, Maine’s median gross rent in 2000 was 18.9 times higher; adjusted for inflation, it was 91.9% higher.
  • 2025 2BR FMR for Maine is 74.0% higher than 2010; adjusted for inflation, it’s 17.3% higher.
Maine Rent Compound Annual Growth Rates
Time Period Unadjusted Adjusted for Inflation
2020-25 3.50% 1.21%
2010-20 2.12% 0.39%
2000-10 5.31% 2.61%
1990-2000 1.72% -0.73%
1980-90 6.85% 2.26%
1970-80 9.15% 2.15%
1960-70 3.47% 0.94%
1950-60 4.55% 2.34%
1940-50 5.07% -0.35%

Maryland Rent Increase Per Year

FMR for a 2BR in Maryland increases 6.81% from 2024 to 2025; 1BR FMR increases 7.90%.

  • Maryland renters will pay $1,560 more for a 2BR in 2025 than they did in 2024.
  • From 2020 to 2025, the Maryland 2BR FMR increased 39.8%.
  • After adjusting for inflation, Maryland’s 2BR FMR increased 11.8% from 2020 to 2025.
  • Maryland’s unadjusted rent inflation peaked from 1970-80 when the monthly median gross rent increased from $127 to $266.
  • In the 20th century and adjusted for currency inflation, Maryland’s rent prices grew the fastest (3.21% CAGR) from 1950-60; monthly median gross rent increased from $46 to $78.
  • Between the median gross rent in 2000 ($689) and the 2BR FMR in 2010 ($1,271), there was a 3.58% inflation adjusted CAGR.
  • From 1940 to 2000, median gross rents in Maryland had a CAGR of 5.55%; from 2010 to 2025, the CAGR of Maryland’s 2BR FMR was 3.20%.
  • Compared to the median gross rent 1940, Maryland’s median gross rent in 2000 was 24.5 times higher; adjusted for inflation, it was 2.48 times as high.
  • 2025 2BR FMR for Maryland is 60.4% higher than 2010; adjusted for inflation, it’s 8.13% higher.
Maryland Rent Compound Annual Growth Rates
Time Period Unadjusted Adjusted for Inflation
2020-25 3.40% 1.12%
2010-20 1.39% -0.33%
2000-10 6.31% 3.58%
1990-2000 2.32% -0.16%
1980-90 7.50% 2.88%
1970-80 7.67% 0.77%
1960-70 5.00% 2.43%
1950-60 5.42% 3.21%
1940-50 5.47% 0.07%

Massachusetts Rent Increase Per Year

FMR for a 2BR in Massachusetts declines 1.84% from 2024 to 2025; 1BR FMR declines 2.40%.

  • Massachusetts renters will pay $516 less for a 2BR in 2025 than they did in 2024.
  • From 2020 to 2025, the Massachusetts 2BR FMR increased 23.9%.
  • After adjusting for inflation, Massachusetts’ 2BR FMR declined 0.86% from 2020 to 2025.
  • Massachusetts’ rent prices (before and after adjusting for currency inflation) peaked from 1980-90 when the monthly median gross rent increased from $255 to $580.
  • From 1940 to 2000, median gross rents in Massachusetts had a CAGR of 5.13%; from 2010 to 2025, the CAGR of Massachusetts’ 2BR FMR was 4.31%.
  • Compared to the median gross rent 1940, Massachusetts’ median gross rent in 2000 was 19.1 times higher; adjusted for inflation, it was 94.9% higher.
  • 2025 2BR FMR for Massachusetts is 88.4% higher than 2010; adjusted for inflation, it’s 5.68% higher.
Massachusetts Rent Compound Annual Growth Rates
Time Period Unadjusted Adjusted for Inflation
2020-25 2.17% -0.09%
2010-20 4.28% 2.51%
2000-10 5.91% 3.19%
1990-2000 1.66% -0.80%
1980-90 8.56% 3.91%
1970-80 8.10% 1.18%
1960-70 4.55% 1.95%
1950-60 4.78% 2.68%
1940-50 3.29% -2.10%

Michigan Rent Increase Per Year

FMR for a 2BR in Michigan increases 3.90% from 2024 to 2025; 1BR FMR increases 4.04%.

  • Michigan renters will pay $564 more for a 2BR in 2025 than they did in 2024.
  • From 2020 to 2025, the Michigan 2BR FMR increased 38.1%.
  • After adjusting for inflation, Michigan’s 2BR FMR increased 10.46% from 2020 to 2025.
  • Michigan’s unadjusted rent inflation peaked from 1970-80 when the monthly median gross rent increased from $115 to $250.
  • Adjusted for currency inflation, Michigan’s rent prices grew the fastest from 1950-60; monthly median gross rent increased from $47 to $77.
  • From 1940 to 2000, median gross rents in Michigan had a CAGR of 4.79%; from 2010 to 2025, the CAGR of Michigan’s 2BR FMR was 3.51%.
  • Compared to the median gross rent 1940, Michigan’s median gross rent in 2000 was  15.6 times higher; adjusted for inflation, it was 59.7% higher.
  • 2025 2BR FMR for Michigan is 67.7% higher than 2010; adjusted for inflation, it’s 13.0% higher.
Michigan Rent Compound Annual Growth Rates
Time Period Unadjusted Adjusted for Inflation
2020-25 3.28% 1.00%
2010-20 1.96% 0.23%
2000-10 3.17% 0.52%
1990-2000 2.59% 0.11%
1980-90 5.40% 0.87%
1970-80 8.07% 1.14%
1960-70 4.09% 1.55%
1950-60 5.06% 2.82%
1940-50 3.60% -1.74%

Minnesota Rent Increase Per Year

FMR for a 2BR in Minnesota increases 1.69% from 2024 to 2025; 1BR FMR increases 1.83%.

  • Minnesota renters will pay $288 more for a 2BR in 2025 than they did in 2024.
  • From 2020 to 2025, the Minnesota 2BR FMR increased 35.0%.
  • After adjusting for inflation, Minnesota’s 2BR FMR increased 8.01% from 2020 to 2025.
  • Minnesota’s unadjusted rent inflation peaked from 1970-80 when the monthly median gross rent increased from $117 to $236.
  • Adjusted for currency inflation, Minnesota’s rent prices grew the fastest from 1950-60; monthly median gross rent increased from $43 to $72.
  • From 1940 to 2000, median gross rents in Minnesota had a CAGR of 5.14%; from 2010 to 2025, the CAGR of Minnesota’s 2BR FMR was 3.95%.
  • Compared to the median gross rent 1940, Minnesota’s median gross rent in 2000 was 19.2 times higher; adjusted for inflation, it was 94.5% higher.
  • 2025 2BR FMR for Minnesota is 78.9% higher than 2010; adjusted for inflation, it’s 20.6% higher.
Minnesota Rent Compound Annual Growth Rates
Time Period Unadjusted Adjusted for Inflation
2020-25 3.05% 0.77%
2010-20 2.85% 1.11%
2000-10 3.60% 0.93%
1990-2000 2.98% 0.49%
1980-90 5.98% 1.44%
1970-80 7.27% 0.39%
1960-70 4.97% 2.38%
1950-60 5.29% 3.08%
1940-50 4.38% -1.04%

Mississippi Rent Increase Per Year

FMR for a 2BR in Mississippi increases 3.45% from 2024 to 2025; 1BR FMR increases 3.89%.

  • Mississippi renters will pay $432 more for a 2BR in 2025 than they did in 2024.
  • From 2020 to 2025, the Mississippi 2BR FMR increased 39.3%.
  • After adjusting for inflation, Mississippi’s 2BR FMR increased 11.4% from 2020 to 2025.
  • Mississippi’s rent price growth peaked from 1970-80 (before and after adjusting for currency inflation) when the monthly median gross rent increased from $65 to $180.
  • From 1940 to 2000, median gross rents in Mississippi had a CAGR of 6.34%; from 2010 to 2025, the CAGR of Mississippi’s 2BR FMR was 3.29%.
  • Compared to the median gross rent 1940, Mississippi’s median gross rent in 2000 was 38.9 times higher; adjusted for inflation, it was 3.75 times as high.
  • 2025 2BR FMR for Mississippi is 62.6% higher than 2010; adjusted for inflation, it’s 9.59% higher.
Mississippi Rent Compound Annual Growth Rates
Time Period Unadjusted Adjusted for Inflation
2020-25 3.37% 1.09%
2010-20 1.56% -0.17%
2000-10 4.21% 1.53%
1990-2000 3.57% 1.06%
1980-90 5.55% 1.04%
1970-80 10.72% 3.60%
1960-70 4.22% 1.66%
1950-60 5.57% 3.59%
1940-50 8.56% 2.45%

Missouri Rent Increase Per Year

FMR for a 2BR in Missouri increases 2.31% from 2024 to 2025; 1BR FMR increases 2.71%.

  • Missouri renters will pay $300 more for a 2BR in 2025 than they did in 2024.
  • From 2020 to 2025, the Missouri 2BR FMR increased 32.5%.
  • After adjusting for inflation, Missouri’s 2BR FMR increased 6.03% from 2020 to 2025.
  • Missouri’s unadjusted rent inflation peaked from 1970-80 when the monthly median gross rent increased from $96 to $211.
  • Adjusted for currency inflation, Missouri’s rent prices grew the fastest from 1950-60; monthly median gross rent increased from $36 to $65.
  • From 1940 to 2000, median gross rents in Missouri had a CAGR of 5.29%; from 2010 to 2025, the CAGR of Missouri’s 2BR FMR was 3.17%.
  • Compared to the median gross rent 1940, Missouri’s median gross rent in 2000 was 21.0 times higher; adjusted for inflation, it was 2.10 times as high.
  • 2025 2BR FMR for Missouri is 59.7% higher than 2010; adjusted for inflation, it’s 7.61% higher.
Missouri Rent Compound Annual Growth Rates
Time Period Unadjusted Adjusted for Inflation
2020-25 2.86% 0.59%
2010-20 1.88% 0.15%
2000-10 3.67% 1.00%
1990-2000 2.78% 0.29%
1980-90 5.72% 1.18%
1970-80 8.19% 1.25%
1960-70 3.98% 1.43%
1950-60 6.09% 3.77%
1940-50 5.05% -0.44%

Montana Rent Increase Per Year

FMR for a 2BR in Montana increases 17.5% from 2024 to 2025; 1BR FMR increases 17.7%.

  • Montana renters will pay $2,268 more for a 2BR in 2025 than they did in 2024.
  • From 2020 to 2025, the Montana 2BR FMR increased 44.3%.
  • After adjusting for inflation, Montana’s 2BR FMR increased 15.4% from 2020 to 2025.
  • Montana’s unadjusted rent inflation peaked from 1970-80 when the monthly median gross rent increased from $89 to $200.
  • Adjusted for currency inflation, Montana’s rent prices grew the fastest from 1950-60; monthly median gross rent increased from $41 to $66.
  • From 1940 to 2000, median gross rents in Montana had a CAGR of 5.07%; from 2010 to 2025, the CAGR of Montana’s 2BR FMR was 4.63%.
  • Compared to the median gross rent 1940, Montana’s median gross rent in 2000 was 18.4 times higher; adjusted for inflation, it was 88.6% higher.
  • 2025 2BR FMR for Montana is 97.1% higher than 2010; adjusted for inflation, it’s 32.8% higher.
Montana Rent Compound Annual Growth Rates
Time Period Unadjusted Adjusted for Inflation
2020-25 3.74% 1.45%
2010-20 3.16% 1.41%
2000-10 3.70% 1.04%
1990-2000 3.69% 1.19%
1980-90 4.51% 0.03%
1970-80 8.43% 1.48%
1960-70 3.03% 0.51%
1950-60 4.88% 2.78%
1940-50 5.95% 0.41%

Nebraska Rent Increase Per Year

FMR for a 2BR in Nebraska increases 4.82% from 2024 to 2025; 1BR FMR increases 5.48%.

  • Nebraska renters will pay $612 more for a 2BR in 2025 than they did in 2024.
  • From 2020 to 2025, the Nebraska 2BR FMR increased 31.0%.
  • After adjusting for inflation, Nebraska’s 2BR FMR increased 4.78% from 2020 to 2025.
  • Nebraska’s unadjusted rent inflation peaked from 1970-80 when the monthly median gross rent increased from $95 to $213.
  • Adjusted for currency inflation, Nebraska’s rent prices grew the fastest from 1950-60; monthly median gross rent increased from $43 to $67.
  • From 1940 to 2000, median gross rents in Nebraska had a CAGR of 5.31%; from 2010 to 2025, the CAGR of Nebraska’s 2BR FMR was 3.47%.
  • Compared to the median gross rent 1940, Nebraska’s median gross rent in 2000 was 21.3 times higher; adjusted for inflation, it was 2.17 times as high.
  • 2025 2BR FMR for Nebraska is 66.9% higher than 2010; adjusted for inflation, it’s 12.47% higher.
Nebraska Rent Compound Annual Growth Rates
Time Period Unadjusted Adjusted for Inflation
2020-25 2.73% 0.47%
2010-20 2.45% 0.71%
2000-10 3.06% 0.41%
1990-2000 3.50% 0.99%
1980-90 5.03% 0.53%
1970-80 8.41% 1.46%
1960-70 3.55% 1.01%
1950-60 4.53% 2.53%
1940-50 6.93% 1.29%

Nevada Rent Increase Per Year

FMR for a 2BR in Nevada increases 5.79% from 2024 to 2025; 1BR FMR increases 6.32%.

  • Nevada renters will pay $1,116 more for a 2BR in 2025 than they did in 2024.
  • From 2020 to 2025, the Nevada 2BR FMR increased 59.4%.
  • After adjusting for inflation, Nevada’s 2BR FMR increased 27.5% from 2020 to 2025.
  • Nevada’s unadjusted rent inflation peaked from 1970-80 when the monthly median gross rent increased from $141 to $310.
  • Adjusted for currency inflation, Nevada’s rent prices grew the fastest from 1950-60; monthly median gross rent increased from $47 to $91.
  • From 1940 to 2000, median gross rents in Nevada had a CAGR of 5.64%; from 2010 to 2025, the CAGR of Nevada’s 2BR FMR was 3.56%.
  • Compared to the median gross rent 1940, Nevada’s median gross rent in 2000 was 25.9 times higher; adjusted for inflation, it was 2.58 times as high.
  • 2025 2BR FMR for Nevada is 69.0% higher than 2010; adjusted for inflation, it’s 13.9% higher.
Nevada Rent Compound Annual Growth Rates
Time Period Unadjusted Adjusted for Inflation
2020-25 4.78% 2.46%
2010-20 0.58% -1.13%
2000-10 3.70% 1.03%
1990-2000 3.22% 0.73%
1980-90 5.08% 0.57%
1970-80 8.20% 1.26%
1960-70 4.48% 1.92%
1950-60 6.83% 4.55%
1940-50 6.10% 0.58%

New Hampshire Rent Increase Per Year

FMR for a 2BR in New Hampshire increases 6.27% from 2024 to 2025; 1BR FMR increases 5.69%.

  • New Hampshire renters will pay $1,284 more for a 2BR in 2025 than they did in 2024.
  • From 2020 to 2025, the New Hampshire 2BR FMR increased 48.9%.
  • After adjusting for inflation, New Hampshire’s 2BR FMR increased 19.1% from 2020 to 2025.
  • New Hampshire’s unadjusted rent inflation peaked from 1970-80 when the monthly median gross rent increased from $99 to $251.
  • Adjusted for currency inflation, New Hampshire’s rent prices grew the fastest from 1980-90; monthly median gross rent increased to $549.
  • From 1940 to 2000, median gross rents in New Hampshire had a CAGR of 5.50%; from 2010 to 2025, the CAGR of New Hampshire’s 2BR FMR was 3.89%.
  • Compared to the median gross rent 1940, New Hampshire’s median gross rent in 2000 was 23.8 times higher; adjusted for inflation, it was 2.41 times as high.
  • 2025 2BR FMR for New Hampshire is 77.2% higher than 2010; adjusted for inflation, it’s 19.5% higher.
New Hampshire Rent Compound Annual Growth Rates
Time Period Unadjusted Adjusted for Inflation
2020-25 4.06% 1.76%
2010-20 1.76% 0.03%
2000-10 4.70% 2.01%
1990-2000 1.64% -0.81%
1980-90 8.14% 3.50%
1970-80 9.75% 2.72%
1960-70 4.30% 1.73%
1950-60 4.72% 2.71%
1940-50 4.66% -0.89%

New Jersey Rent Increase Per Year

FMR for a 2BR in New Jersey increases 33.3% from 2024 to 2025; 1BR FMR increases 2.78%.

  • New Jersey renters will pay $792 more for a 2BR in 2025 than they did in 2024.
  • From 2020 to 2025, the New Jersey 2BR FMR increased 32.5%.
  • After adjusting for inflation, New Jersey’s 2BR FMR increased 6.01% from 2020 to 2025.
  • New Jersey’s rent growth (before and after adjusting for currency inflation) peaked from 1980-90 when the monthly median gross rent increased from $270 to $592.
  • From 1940 to 2000, median gross rents in New Jersey had a CAGR of 5.19%; from 2010 to 2025, the CAGR of New Jersey’s 2BR FMR was 3.26%.
  • Compared to the median gross rent 1940, New Jersey’s median gross rent in 2000 was 19.9 times higher; adjusted for inflation, it was 2.01 times as high.
  • 2025 2BR FMR for New Jersey is 61.9% higher than 2010; adjusted for inflation, it’s 9.10% higher.
New Jersey Rent Compound Annual Growth Rates
Time Period Unadjusted Adjusted for Inflation
2020-25 2.86% 0.59%
2010-20 2.02% 0.29%
2000-10 5.34% 2.64%
1990-2000 2.41% -0.07%
1980-90 8.17% 3.54%
1970-80 7.92% 0.99%
1960-70 4.65% 2.08%
1950-60 5.02% 2.94%
1940-50 3.13% -2.34%

New Mexico Rent Increase Per Year

FMR for a 2BR in New Mexico increases 5.11% from 2024 to 2025; 1BR FMR increases 4.56%.

  • New Mexico renters will pay $696 more for a 2BR in 2025 than they did in 2024.
  • From 2020 to 2025, the New Mexico 2BR FMR increased 40.1%.
  • After adjusting for inflation, New Mexico’s 2BR FMR increased 12.1% from 2020 to 2025.
  • New Mexico’s unadjusted rent inflation peaked from 1970-80 when the monthly median gross rent increased from $88 to $215.
  • Adjusted for currency inflation, New Mexico’s rent prices grew the fastest from 1950-60; monthly median gross rent increased from $41 to $71.
  • From 1940 to 2000, median gross rents in New Mexico had a CAGR of 5.81%; from 2010 to 2025, the CAGR of New Mexico’s 2BR FMR was 3.63%.
  • Compared to the median gross rent 1940, New Mexico’s median gross rent in 2000 was 28.6 times higher; adjusted for inflation, it was 2.84 times as high.
  • 2025 2BR FMR for New Mexico is 70.8% higher than 2010; adjusted for inflation, it’s 15.1% higher.
New Mexico Rent Compound Annual Growth Rates
Time Period Unadjusted Adjusted for Inflation
2020-25 3.43% 1.14%
2010-20 2.00% 0.27%
2000-10 3.33% 0.67%
1990-2000 3.06% 0.57%
1980-90 5.64% 1.09%
1970-80 9.34% 2.34%
1960-70 2.17% -0.35%
1950-60 5.64% 3.51%
1940-50 9.20% 3.43%

New York Rent Increase Per Year

FMR for a 2BR in New York declines 7.73% from 2024 to 2025; 1BR FMR declines 7.56%.

  • New York renters will pay $2,160 less for a 2BR in 2025 than they did in 2024.
  • From 2020 to 2025, the New York 2BR FMR increased 27.0%.
  • After adjusting for inflation, New York’s 2BR FMR increased 1.62% from 2020 to 2025.
  • New York’s unadjusted rent inflation peaked from 1970-80 when the monthly median gross rent increased from $111 to $249.
  • In the 20th century, adjusting for currency inflation, New York’s rent prices grew the fastest from 1980-90 (CAGR 2.34%); monthly median gross rent increased to $486.
  • Between New York’s median gross rent in 2000 ($672) and 2BR FMR in 2010 ($1,241), there was a 3.59% CAGR after adjusting for currency inflation.
  • From 1940 to 2000, median gross rents in New York had a CAGR of 4.86%; from 2010 to 2025, the CAGR of New York’s 2BR FMR was 3.73%.
  • Compared to the median gross rent 1940, New York’s median gross rent in 2000 was 16.2 times higher; adjusted for inflation, it was 66.3% higher.
  • 2025 2BR FMR for New York is 73.1% higher than 2010; adjusted for inflation, it’s 16.7% higher.
New York Rent Compound Annual Growth Rates
Time Period Unadjusted Adjusted for Inflation
2020-25 2.42% 0.16%
2010-20 3.14% 1.39%
2000-10 6.33% 3.59%
1990-2000 3.29% 0.79%
1980-90 6.92% 2.34%
1970-80 8.41% 1.47%
1960-70 4.14% 1.56%
1950-60 4.42% 2.22%
1940-50 2.10% -3.16%

North Carolina Rent Increase Per Year

FMR for a 2BR in North Carolina increases 5.95% from 2024 to 2025; 1BR FMR increases 6.98%.

  • North Carolina renters will pay $936 more for a 2BR in 2025 than they did in 2024.
  • From 2020 to 2025, the North Carolina 2BR FMR increased 51.1%.
  • After adjusting for inflation, North Carolina’s 2BR FMR increased 20.9% from 2020 to 2025.
  • North Carolina’s unadjusted rent inflation peaked from 1970-80 when the monthly median gross rent increased from $86 to $205.
  • Adjusted for currency inflation, North Carolina’s rent prices grew the fastest from 1950-60; monthly median gross rent increased from $30 to $55.
  • From 1940 to 2000, median gross rents in North Carolina had a CAGR of 6.30%; from 2010 to 2025, the CAGR of North Carolina’s 2BR FMR was 4.50%.
  • Compared to the median gross rent 1940, North Carolina’s median gross rent in 2000 was 38.1 times higher; adjusted for inflation, it was 3.63 times as high.
  • 2025 2BR FMR for North Carolina is 93.5% higher than 2010; adjusted for inflation, it’s 30.4% higher.
North Carolina Rent Compound Annual Growth Rates
Time Period Unadjusted Adjusted for Inflation
2020-25 4.22% 1.92%
2010-20 2.50% 0.76%
2000-10 2.74% 0.10%
1990-2000 3.67% 1.17%
1980-90 6.42% 1.86%
1970-80 9.08% 2.09%
1960-70 4.57% 1.99%
1950-60 6.25% 4.23%
1940-50 7.92% 1.72%

North Dakota Rent Increase Per Year

FMR for a 2BR in North Dakota increases 5.33% from 2024 to 2025; 1BR FMR increases 6.23%.

  • North Dakota renters will pay $612 more for a 2BR in 2025 than they did in 2024.
  • From 2020 to 2025, the North Dakota 2BR FMR increased 19.7%.
  • After adjusting for inflation, North Dakota’s 2BR FMR declined 4.21% from 2020 to 2025.
  • North Dakota’s unadjusted rent inflation peaked from 1970-80 when the monthly median gross rent increased from $97 to $206.
  • Adjusted for currency inflation, North Dakota’s rent prices grew the fastest from 1950-60; monthly median gross rent increased from $43 to $71.
  • From 1940 to 2000, median gross rents in North Dakota had a CAGR of 5.09%; from 2010 to 2025, the CAGR of North Dakota’s 2BR FMR was 3.70%.
  • Compared to the median gross rent 1940, North Dakota’s median gross rent in 2000 was 18.6 times higher; adjusted for inflation, it was 89.0% higher.
  • 2025 2BR FMR for North Dakota is 72.4% higher than 2010; adjusted for inflation, it’s 16.2% higher.
North Dakota Rent Compound Annual Growth Rates
Time Period Unadjusted Adjusted for Inflation
2020-25 1.82% -0.43%
2010-20 3.71% 1.95%
2000-10 3.55% 0.89%
1990-2000 2.79% 0.30%
1980-90 4.27% -0.20%
1970-80 7.82% 0.90%
1960-70 3.17% 0.64%
1950-60 5.14% 3.06%
1940-50 7.43% 1.74%

Ohio Rent Increase Per Year

FMR for a 2BR in Ohio increases 6.19% from 2024 to 2025; 1BR FMR increases 6.25%.

  • Ohio renters will pay $804 more for a 2BR in 2025 than they did in 2024.
  • From 2020 to 2025, the Ohio 2BR FMR increased 38.1%.
  • After adjusting for inflation, Ohio’s 2BR FMR increased 10.5% from 2020 to 2025.
  • Ohio’s unadjusted rent inflation peaked from 1970-80 when the monthly median gross rent increased from $105 to $225.
  • Adjusted for currency inflation, Ohio’s rent prices grew the fastest from 19;50-60 monthly median gross rent increased from $42 to $75.
  • From 1940 to 2000, median gross rents in Ohio had a CAGR of 4.97%; from 2010 to 2025, the CAGR of Ohio’s 2BR FMR was 3.40%.
  • Compared to the median gross rent 1940, Ohio’s median gross rent in 2000 was 17.4 times higher; adjusted for inflation, it was 77.0% higher.
  • 2025 2BR FMR for Ohio is 65.1% higher than 2010; adjusted for inflation, it’s 11.3% higher.
Ohio Rent Compound Annual Growth Rates
Time Period Unadjusted Adjusted for Inflation
2020-25 3.28% 1.00%
2010-20 1.80% 0.07%
2000-10 3.06% 0.41%
1990-2000 3.11% 0.62%
1980-90 5.35% 0.84%
1970-80 7.92% 1.00%
1960-70 3.42% 0.86%
1950-60 5.97% 3.92%
1940-50 4.14% -1.43%

Oklahoma Rent Increase Per Year

FMR for a 2BR in Oklahoma increases 4.25% from 2024 to 2025; 1BR FMR increases 4.72%.

  • Oklahoma renters will pay $528 more for a 2BR in 2025 than they did in 2024.
  • From 2020 to 2025, the Oklahoma 2BR FMR increased 30.3%.
  • After adjusting for inflation, Oklahoma’s 2BR FMR increased 4.25% from 2020 to 2025.
  • Oklahoma’s unadjusted rent inflation peaked from 1970-80 when the monthly median gross rent increased from $82 to $215.
  • Adjusted for currency inflation, Oklahoma’s rent prices grew the fastest from 1950-60; monthly median gross rent increased from $34 to $57.
  • From 1940 to 2000, median gross rents in Oklahoma had a CAGR of 5.74%; from 2010 to 2025, the CAGR of Oklahoma’s 2BR FMR was 3.54%.
  • Compared to the median gross rent 1940, Oklahoma’s median gross rent in 2000 was 27.5 times higher; adjusted for inflation, it was 2.67 times as high.
  • 2025 2BR FMR for Oklahoma is 68.6% higher than 2010; adjusted for inflation, it’s 13.6% higher.
Oklahoma Rent Compound Annual Growth Rates
Time Period Unadjusted Adjusted for Inflation
2020-25 2.68% 0.42%
2010-20 2.61% 0.87%
2000-10 3.45% 0.79%
1990-2000 2.98% 0.50%
1980-90 4.69% 0.19%
1970-80 10.12% 3.06%
1960-70 3.70% 1.15%
1950-60 5.30% 3.10%
1940-50 7.83% 1.93%

Oregon Rent Increase Per Year

FMR for a 2BR in Oregon increases 0.59% from 2024 to 2025; 1BR FMR increases 0.14%.

  • Oregon renters will pay $120 more for a 2BR in 2025 than they did in 2024.
  • From 2020 to 2025, the Oregon 2BR FMR increased 33.5%.
  • After adjusting for inflation, Oregon’s 2BR FMR increased 6.84% from 2020 to 2025.
  • Oregon’s unadjusted rent inflation peaked from 1970-80 when the monthly median gross rent increased from $107 to $257.
  • Adjusted for currency inflation, Oregon’s rent prices grew the fastest from 2010-20; the 2BR FMR increased from $776 to $1,267.
  • From 1940 to 2000, median gross rents in Oregon had a CAGR of 5.80%; from 2010 to 2025, the CAGR of Oregon’s 2BR FMR was 5.33%.
  • Compared to the median gross rent 1940, Oregon’s median gross rent in 2000 was 28.5 times higher; adjusted for inflation, it was 2.79 times as high.
  • 2025 2BR FMR for Oregon is 118% higher than it was in 2010; adjusted for inflation, it’s 47.0% higher.
Oregon Rent Compound Annual Growth Rates
Time Period Unadjusted Adjusted for Inflation
2020-25 2.93% 0.66%
2010-20 5.02% 3.24%
2000-10 2.27% -0.36%
1990-2000 4.27% 1.75%
1980-90 4.73% 0.23%
1970-80 9.16% 2.16%
1960-70 4.33% 1.77%
1950-60 4.75% 2.56%
1940-50 7.68% 1.90%

Pennsylvania Rent Increase Per Year

FMR for a 2BR in Pennsylvania increases 4.10% from 2024 to 2025; 1BR FMR increases 4.28%.

  • Pennsylvania renters will pay $672 more for a 2BR in 2025 than they did in 2024.
  • From 2020 to 2025, the Pennsylvania 2BR FMR increased 42.1%.
  • After adjusting for inflation, Pennsylvania’s 2BR FMR increased 13.7% from 2020 to 2025.
  • Pennsylvania’s unadjusted rent inflation peaked from 1970-80 when the monthly median gross rent increased from $93 to $224.
  • Adjusted for currency inflation, Pennsylvania’s rent prices grew the fastest from 1950-60; monthly median gross rent increased from $40 to $64.
  • From 1940 to 2000, median gross rents in Pennsylvania had a CAGR of 5.09%; from 2010 to 2025, the CAGR of Pennsylvania’s 2BR FMR was 3.55%.
  • Compared to the median gross rent 1940, Pennsylvania’s median gross rent in 2000 was 18.7 times higher; adjusted for inflation, it was 86.3% higher.
  • 2025 2BR FMR for Pennsylvania is 68.8% higher than 2010; adjusted for inflation, it’s 13.75% higher.
Pennsylvania Rent Compound Annual Growth Rates
Time Period Unadjusted Adjusted for Inflation
2020-25 3.58% 1.29%
2010-20 1.73% 0.01%
2000-10 4.72% 2.03%
1990-2000 2.77% 0.29%
1980-90 6.08% 1.54%
1970-80 9.19% 2.18%
1960-70 3.81% 1.26%
1950-60 4.81% 2.71%
1940-50 4.01% -1.66%

Puerto Rico Rent Increase Per Year

FMR for a 2BR in Puerto Rico does not change from 2024 to 2025; 1BR FMR declined 0.38%.

  • Puerto Rico renters will pay the same amount for a 2BR in 2025 as they did in 2024.
  • From 2020 to 2025, the Puerto Rico 2BR FMR increased 23.6%.
  • After adjusting for inflation, Puerto Rico’s 2BR FMR declined 1.11% from 2020 to 2025.
  • From 2010 to 2025, the CAGR of Puerto Rico’s 2BR FMR was 1.07%.
  • 2025 2BR FMR for Puerto Rico is 17.3% higher than 2010; adjusted for inflation, it’s 20.9% lower.
Puerto Rico Rent Compound Annual Growth Rates
Time Period Unadjusted Adjusted for Inflation
2020-25 2.14% -0.11%
2010-20 -0.52% -2.21%

Rhode Island Rent Increase Per Year

FMR for a 2BR in Rhode Island declines 4.69% from 2024 to 2025; 1BR FMR declines 5.58%.

  • Rhode Island renters will pay $972 less for a 2BR in 2025 than they did in 2024.
  • From 2020 to 2025, the Rhode Island 2BR FMR increased 49.4%.
  • After adjusting for inflation, Rhode Island’s 2BR FMR increased 19.5% from 2020 to 2025.
  • Rhode Island’s unadjusted rent inflation peaked from 1970-80 when the monthly median gross rent increased from $93 to $222.
  • Adjusted for currency inflation, Rhode Island’s rent prices grew the fastest from 1980-90; monthly median gross rent increased from $222 to $489.
  • From 1940 to 2000, median gross rents in Rhode Island had a CAGR of 5.10%; from 2010 to 2025, the CAGR of Rhode Island’s 2BR FMR was 3.49%.
  • Compared to the median gross rent 1940, Rhode Island’s median gross rent in 2000 was 18.75 times higher; adjusted for inflation, it was 90.0% higher.
  • 2025 2BR FMR for Rhode Island is 67.3% higher than 2010; adjusted for inflation, it’s 12.8% higher.
Rhode Island Rent Compound Annual Growth Rates
Time Period Unadjusted Adjusted for Inflation
2020-25 4.10% 1.80%
2010-20 1.14% -0.58%
2000-10 5.92% 3.20%
1990-2000 1.24% -1.22%
1980-90 8.22% 3.60%
1970-80 9.09% 2.09%
1960-70 4.14% 1.59%
1950-60 4.48% 2.30%
1940-50 3.63% -1.79%

South Carolina Rent Increase Per Year

FMR for a 2BR in South Carolina increases 6.95% from 2024 to 2025; 1BR FMR increases 8.11%.

  • South Carolina renters will pay $1,044 more for a 2BR in 2025 than they did in 2024.
  • From 2020 to 2025, the South Carolina 2BR FMR increased 48.8%.
  • After adjusting for inflation, South Carolina’s 2BR FMR increased 19.0% from 2020 to 2025.
  • South Carolina’s unadjusted rent inflation peaked from 1970-80 when the monthly median gross rent increased from $77 to $206.
  • Adjusted for currency inflation, South Carolina’s rent prices grew the fastest from 1950-60; monthly median gross rent increased from $26 to $49.
  • From 1940 to 2000, median gross rents in South Carolina had a CAGR of 6.45%; from 2010 to 2025, the CAGR of South Carolina’s 2BR FMR was 4.41%.
  • Compared to the median gross rent 1940, South Carolina’s median gross rent in 2000 was 41.5 times higher; adjusted for inflation, it was 4.21 times as high.
  • 2025 2BR FMR for South Carolina is 91.0% higher than 2010; adjusted for inflation, it’s 28.7% higher.
South Carolina Rent Compound Annual Growth Rates
Time Period Unadjusted Adjusted for Inflation
2020-25 4.05% 1.76%
2010-20 2.53% 0.79%
2000-10 3.23% 0.58%
1990-2000 3.10% 0.61%
1980-90 6.20% 1.64%
1970-80 10.34% 3.26%
1960-70 4.62% 2.08%
1950-60 6.54% 4.31%
1940-50 8.04% 2.70%

South Dakota Rent Increase Per Year

FMR for a 2BR in South Dakota declines 4.10% from 2024 to 2025; 1BR FMR declines 3.30%.

  • South Dakota renters will pay $504 less for a 2BR in 2025 than they did in 2024.
  • From 2020 to 2025, the South Dakota 2BR FMR increased 23.8%.
  • After adjusting for inflation, South Dakota’s 2BR FMR declined 0.93% from 2020 to 2025.
  • South Dakota’s unadjusted rent inflation peaked from 1970-80 when the monthly median gross rent increased from $88 to $188.
  • Adjusted for currency inflation, South Dakota’s rent prices grew the fastest from 1950-60; monthly median gross rent increased from $42 to $67.
  • From 1940 to 2000, median gross rents in South Dakota had a CAGR of 5.14%; from 2010 to 2025, the CAGR of South Dakota’s 2BR FMR was 3.25%.
  • Compared to the median gross rent 1940, South Dakota’s median gross rent in 2000 was 19.3 times higher; adjusted for inflation, it was 93.6% higher.
  • 2025 2BR FMR for South Dakota is 61.5% higher than 2010; adjusted for inflation, it’s 4.73% higher.
South Dakota Rent Compound Annual Growth Rates
Time Period Unadjusted Adjusted for Inflation
2020-25 2.16% -0.09%
2010-20 2.69% 0.95%
2000-10 3.62% 0.96%
1990-2000 3.36% 0.86%
1980-90 4.99% 0.50%
1970-80 7.89% 0.96%
1960-70 2.76% 0.24%
1950-60 4.78% 2.57%
1940-50 7.18% 1.53%

Tennessee Rent Increase Per Year

FMR for a 2BR in Tennessee increases 8.78% from 2024 to 2025; 1BR FMR increases 9.17%.

  • Tennessee renters will pay $1,332 more for a 2BR in 2025 than they did in 2024.
  • From 2020 to 2025, the Tennessee 2BR FMR increased 54.7%.
  • After adjusting for inflation, Tennessee’s 2BR FMR increased 23.7% from 2020 to 2025.
  • Tennessee’s unadjusted rent inflation peaked from 1970-80 when the monthly median gross rent increased from $82 to $203.
  • Adjusted for currency inflation, Tennessee’s rent prices grew the fastest from 1950-60; monthly median gross rent increased from $31 to $52.
  • From 1940 to 2000, median gross rents in Tennessee had a CAGR of 6.04%; from 2010 to 2025, the CAGR of Tennessee’s 2BR FMR was 4.59%.
  • Compared to the median gross rent 1940, Tennessee’s median gross rent in 2000 was 32.7 times higher; adjusted for inflation, it was 3.26 times as high.
  • 2025 2BR FMR for Tennessee is 96.1% higher than 2010; adjusted for inflation, it’s 32.2% higher.
Tennessee Rent Compound Annual Growth Rates
Time Period Unadjusted Adjusted for Inflation
2020-25 4.46% 2.15%
2010-20 2.40% 0.66%
2000-10 3.33% 0.68%
1990-2000 3.53% 1.03%
1980-90 5.81% 1.27%
1970-80 9.49% 2.47%
1960-70 4.66% 2.10%
1950-60 5.31% 3.25%
1940-50 7.53% 1.84%

Texas Rent Increase Per Year

FMR for a 2BR in Texas increases 3.66% from 2024 to 2025; 1BR FMR increases 3.54%.

  • Texas renters will pay $636 more for a 2BR in 2025 than they did in 2024.
  • From 2020 to 2025, the Texas 2BR FMR increased 38.3%.
  • After adjusting for inflation, Texas’s 2BR FMR increased 10.6% from 2020 to 2025.
  • Texas’s unadjusted rent inflation peaked from 1970-80 when the monthly median gross rent increased from $95 to $246.
  • Adjusted for currency inflation, Texas’s rent prices grew the fastest from 1950-60; monthly median gross rent increased from $37 to $60.
  • From 1940 to 2000, median gross rents in Texas had a CAGR of 6.04%; from 2010 to 2025, the CAGR of Texas’s 2BR FMR was 4.17%.
  • Compared to the median gross rent 1940, Texas’s median gross rent in 2000 was 32.8 times higher; adjusted for inflation, it was 3.26 times as high.
  • 2025 2BR FMR for Texas is 84.6% higher than 2010; adjusted for inflation, it’s 24.5% higher.
Texas Rent Compound Annual Growth Rates
Time Period Unadjusted Adjusted for Inflation
2020-25 3.29% 1.01%
2010-20 2.93% 1.19%
2000-10 3.56% 0.89%
1990-2000 3.81% 1.29%
1980-90 4.85% 0.36%
1970-80 9.98% 2.93%
1960-70 4.70% 2.12%
1950-60 4.95% 2.78%
1940-50 8.09% 2.49%

Utah Rent Increase Per Year

FMR for a 2BR in Utah increases 7.37% from 2024 to 2025; 1BR FMR increases 6.61%.

  • Utah renters will pay $1,236 more for a 2BR in 2025 than they did in 2024.
  • From 2020 to 2025, the Utah 2BR FMR increased 45.6%.
  • After adjusting for inflation, Utah’s 2BR FMR increased 16.5% from 2020 to 2025.
  • Utah’s unadjusted rent inflation peaked from 1970-80 when the monthly median gross rent increased from $97 to $235.
  • Adjusted for currency inflation, Utah’s rent prices grew the fastest from 1950-60; monthly median gross rent increased from $40 to $66.
  • From 1940 to 2000, median gross rents in Utah had a CAGR of 5.58%; from 2010 to 2025, the CAGR of Utah’s 2BR FMR was 4.57%.
  • Compared to the median gross rent 1940, Utah’s median gross rent in 2000 was 25.0 times higher; adjusted for inflation, it was 2.51 times as high.
  • 2025 2BR FMR for Utah is 95.4% higher than 2010; adjusted for inflation, it’s 31.7% higher.
Utah Rent Compound Annual Growth Rates
Time Period Unadjusted Adjusted for Inflation
2020-25 3.83% 1.54%
2010-20 2.99% 1.24%
2000-10 2.55% -0.09%
1990-2000 4.93% 2.40%
1980-90 4.62% 0.13%
1970-80 9.25% 2.23%
1960-70 3.93% 1.39%
1950-60 5.14% 2.99%
1940-50 5.69% 0.17%

Vermont Rent Increase Per Year

FMR for a 2BR in Vermont declines 1.18% from 2024 to 2025; 1BR FMR declines 0.75%.

  • Vermont renters will pay $216 less for a 2BR in 2025 than they did in 2024.
  • From 2020 to 2025, the Vermont 2BR FMR increased 24.4%.
  • After adjusting for inflation, Vermont’s 2BR FMR declined 0.44% from 2020 to 2025.
  • Vermont’s unadjusted rent inflation peaked from 1970-80 when the monthly median gross rent increased from $98 to $224.
  • Adjusted for currency inflation, Vermont’s rent prices grew the fastest from 1980-90; monthly median gross rent increased to $446.
  • From 1940 to 2000, median gross rents in Vermont had a CAGR of 5.37%; from 2010 to 2025, the CAGR of Vermont’s 2BR FMR was 3.37%.
  • Compared to the median gross rent 1940, Vermont’s median gross rent in 2000 was 22.0 times higher; adjusted for inflation, it was 2.19 times as high.
  • 2025 2BR FMR for Vermont is 64.3% higher than 2010; adjusted for inflation, it’s 10.8% higher.
Vermont Rent Compound Annual Growth Rates
Time Period Unadjusted Adjusted for Inflation
2020-25 2.21% -0.04%
2010-20 2.82% 1.07%
2000-10 5.22% 2.52%
1990-2000 2.17% -0.30%
1980-90 7.13% 2.55%
1970-80 8.62% 1.65%
1960-70 4.68% 2.11%
1950-60 4.22% 2.01%
1940-50 5.50% -0.08%

Virginia Rent Increase Per Year

FMR for a 2BR in Virginia increases 10.8% from 2024 to 2025; 1BR FMR increases 12.0%.

  • Virginia renters will pay $2,040 more for a 2BR in 2025 than they did in 2024.
  • From 2020 to 2025, the Virginia 2BR FMR increased 41.8%.
  • After adjusting for inflation, Virginia’s 2BR FMR increased 13.5% from 2020 to 2025.
  • Virginia’s unadjusted rent inflation peaked from 1970-80 when the monthly median gross rent increased from $115 to $259.
  • Adjusted for currency inflation, Virginia’s rent prices grew the fastest from 1950-60; monthly median gross rent increased from $39 to $71. 
  • From 1940 to 2000, median gross rents in Virginia had a CAGR of 6.06%; from 2010 to 2025, the CAGR of Virginia’s 2BR FMR was 3.63%.
  • Compared to the median gross rent 1940, Virginia’s median gross rent in 2000 was 33.2 times higher; adjusted for inflation, it was 3.30 times as high.
  • 2025 2BR FMR for Virginia is 70.7% higher than 2010; adjusted for inflation, it’s 15.1% higher.
Virginia Rent Compound Annual Growth Rates
Time Period Unadjusted Adjusted for Inflation
2020-25 3.56% 1.27%
2010-20 1.87% 0.14%
2000-10 4.62% 1.93%
1990-2000 2.76% 0.28%
1980-90 6.69% 2.11%
1970-80 8.46% 1.50%
1960-70 4.94% 2.36%
1950-60 6.17% 3.98%
1940-50 7.46% 1.87%

Washington Rent Increase Per Year

FMR for a 2BR in Washington declines 1.29% from 2024 to 2025; 1BR FMR declines 1.54%.

  • Washington renters will pay $324 less for a 2BR in 2025 than they did in 2024.
  • From 2020 to 2025, the Washington 2BR FMR increased 30.7%.
  • After adjusting for inflation, Washington’s 2BR FMR increased 4.55% from 2020 to 2025.
  • Washington’s unadjusted rent inflation peaked from 1970-80 when the monthly median gross rent increased from $113 to $254.
  • Adjusted for currency inflation, Washington’s rent prices grew the fastest from 2010-20; the 2BR FMR increased from $919 to $1,584.
  • From 1940 to 2000, median gross rents in Washington had a CAGR of 5.84%; from 2010 to 2025, the CAGR of Washington’s 2BR FMR was 5.56%.
  • Compared to the median gross rent 1940, Washington’s median gross rent in 2000 was 29.1 times higher; adjusted for inflation, it was 2.93 times as high.
  • 2025 2BR FMR for Washington is 125% higher than 2010; adjusted for inflation, it’s 51.8% higher.
Washington Rent Compound Annual Growth Rates
Time Period Unadjusted Adjusted for Inflation
2020-25 2.71% 0.45%
2010-20 5.60% 3.80%
2000-10 3.32% 0.66%
1990-2000 4.07% 1.54%
1980-90 5.77% 1.24%
1970-80 8.44% 1.49%
1960-70 4.76% 2.17%
1950-60 5.14% 2.90%
1940-50 6.93% 1.53%

West Virginia Rent Increase Per Year

FMR for a 2BR in West Virginia declines 17.0% from 2024 to 2025; 1BR FMR increases 25.6%.

  • West Virginia renters will pay $1,956 less for a 2BR in 2025 than they did in 2024.
  • From 2020 to 2025, the West Virginia 2BR FMR increased 2.44%.
  • After adjusting for inflation, West Virginia’s 2BR FMR declined 18.1% from 2020 to 2025.
  • West Virginia’s unadjusted rent inflation peaked from 1970-80 when the monthly median gross rent increased from $72 to $195.
  • Adjusted for currency inflation, West Virginia’s rent prices grew the fastest from 1950-60; monthly median gross rent increased from $28 to $53.
  • From 1940 to 2000, median gross rents in West Virginia had a CAGR of 5.41%; from 2010 to 2025, the CAGR of West Virginia’s 2BR FMR was 1.94%.
  • Compared to the median gross rent 1940, West Virginia’s median gross rent in 2000 was 22.6 times higher; adjusted for inflation, it was 2.25 times as high.
  • 2025 2BR FMR for West Virginia is 33.5% higher than 2010; adjusted for inflation, it’s 10.0% lower.
West Virginia Rent Compound Annual Growth Rates
Time Period Unadjusted Adjusted for Inflation
2020-25 0.24% -1.97%
2010-20 2.68% 0.94%
2000-10 4.06% 1.38%
1990-2000 2.84% 0.36%
1980-90 4.51% 0.03%
1970-80 10.48% 3.37%
1960-70 3.11% 0.60%
1950-60 6.59% 4.26%
1940-50 5.12% -0.34%

Wisconsin Rent Increase Per Year

FMR for a 2BR in Wisconsin increases 4.25% from 2024 to 2025; 1BR FMR increases 4.03%.

  • Wisconsin renters will pay $576 more for a 2BR in 2025 than they did in 2024.
  • From 2020 to 2025, the Wisconsin 2BR FMR increased 31.1%.
  • After adjusting for inflation, Wisconsin’s 2BR FMR increased 4.86% from 2020 to 2025.
  • Wisconsin’s unadjusted rent inflation peaked from 1970-80 when the monthly median gross rent increased from $113 to $234.
  • Adjusted for currency inflation, Wisconsin’s rent prices grew the fastest from 1950-60; monthly median gross rent increased from $49 to $79.
  • From 1940 to 2000, median gross rents in Wisconsin had a CAGR of 4.88%; from 2010 to 2025, the CAGR of Wisconsin’s 2BR FMR was 2.93%.
  • Compared to the median gross rent 1940, Wisconsin’s median gross rent in 2000 was 16.4 times higher; adjusted for inflation, it was 67.2% higher.
  • 2025 2BR FMR for Wisconsin is 54.3% higher than 2010; adjusted for inflation, it’s 3.97% higher.
Wisconsin Rent Compound Annual Growth Rates
Time Period Unadjusted Adjusted for Inflation
2020-25 2.74% 0.48%
2010-20 1.64% -0.08%
2000-10 3.52% 0.86%
1990-2000 3.07% 0.57%
1980-90 5.48% 0.97%
1970-80 7.55% 0.65%
1960-70 3.64% 1.10%
1950-60 4.89% 2.74%
1940-50 4.68% -0.84%

Wyoming Rent Increase Per Year

FMR for a 2BR in Wyoming declines 4.49% from 2024 to 2025; 1BR FMR declines 5.26%.

  • Wyoming renters will pay $588 less for a 2BR in 2025 than they did in 2024.
  • From 2020 to 2025, the Wyoming 2BR FMR increased 16.8%.
  • After adjusting for inflation, Wyoming’s 2BR FMR declined 6.55% from 2020 to 2025.
  • Wyoming’s rent growth (before and after adjusting for currency inflation) peaked from 1970-80 when the monthly median gross rent increased from $87 to $252.
  • From 1940 to 2000, median gross rents in Wyoming had a CAGR of 5.11%; from 2010 to 2025, the CAGR of Wyoming’s 2BR FMR was 2.43%.
  • Compared to the median gross rent 1940, Wyoming’s median gross rent in 2000 was 18.9 times higher; adjusted for inflation, it was 95.1% higher.
  • 2025 2BR FMR for Wyoming is 43.3% higher than 2010; adjusted for inflation, it’s 3.39% lower.
Wyoming Rent Compound Annual Growth Rates
Time Period Unadjusted Adjusted for Inflation
2020-25 1.57% -0.67%
2010-20 2.07% 0.33%
2000-10 5.22% 2.52%
1990-2000 2.76% 0.28%
1980-90 2.83% -1.59%
1970-80 11.22% 4.10%
1960-70 2.65% 0.12%
1950-60 5.03% 2.82%
1940-50 6.42% 1.10%


  1. CNBC, Market Insider: Inflation Was Hot in July, But Rent Isn’t Showing Up Yet and Could Drive Prices Higher
  2. U.S. Federal Reserve Economic Data
  3. U.S. Social Security Administration, National Average Wage Index
  4. Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis, Inflation Calculator
  5. U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, Occupational Employment and Wage Statistics
  6. National Council of State Housing Agencies, Resource Center: Housing Research and Analysis
  7. National Low Income Housing Coalition, Out of Reach: The High Cost of Housing
  8. U.S. Census Bureau
  9. U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, Fair Market Rents