How Long Does a Landlord Have To Return a Security Deposit?

Last Updated: June 11, 2024 by Roberto Valenzuela

Here’s a list for the deadline in each state to return a security deposit after the tenant moves out. The deadlines usually range from 14 – 60 days.

State Deadline To Return Security Deposit
Alabama 60 days after the lease term ends and the tenant vacates the rental unit
  • 14 days if no deductions
  • 30 days with deductions
Arizona 14 business days
Arkansas 60 days. Landlords with less than five units are exempt, unless a management service is used for the properties
California 21 days
  • 1 month after the tenant vacates or lease ends, which is later
  • 72 hours if the tenant moves out for a landlord’s failure to fix a hazardous situation
  • 15 days after the tenant provides their forwarding address or
  • 30 days after the lease ends, whichever is later
Delaware 20 days
  • 15 days if no deductions
  • Up to 60 days with deductions (30 days after sending a list of deductions, which can be sent on the 30th day after the tenant vacates the unit)
Georgia 30 days. If the tenant can’t be found and didn’t leave a forwarding address, the security deposit becomes the property of the landlord after 90 days.
Hawaii 14 days. Landlords comply if the mailing is postmarked by the 14-day deadline.
Idaho 21 days
Illinois 30 days with deductions
45 days if no deductions
Indiana 45 days
Iowa 30 days. If there are no delivery instructions or forwarding address, the deposit becomes the property of the landlord after 1 year.
Kansas 14 days after landlord determines deductions, or 30 days after the lease term ends and tenant vacates (whichever is earlier)
  • 30 days if being used for unpaid rent
  • If tenant is owed a refund and does not respond within 60 days to a notification about returning the amount, the landlord may keep the security deposit.
Louisiana 1 month
  • 30 days if lease agreement is written
  • 21 days if a tenancy-at-will
Maryland 45 days
Massachusetts 30 days
Michigan 30 days (must be a check or money order)
Minnesota 21 days (or 5 days after condemnation)
Mississippi 45 days
Missouri 30 days
Montana 10 day if no deductions
30 days if deductions
By court order, if the landlord is engaged in certain lawsuits against the tenant
Nebraska 14 days
Nevada 30 days
New Hampshire 30 days
New Jersey 30 days (with stricter exceptions for domestic violence, fire, flood, condemnation, or evacuation)
New Mexico 30 days
New York 14 days
North Carolina 30 days
North Dakota 30 days
Ohio 30 days
Oklahoma 45 days
Oregon 31 days (14 days if unit is deemed unsafe)
Pennsylvania 30 days
Rhode Island 20 days
South Carolina 30 days
South Dakota 14 days
Tennessee No specified time frame
Texas 30 days. Deposit doesn’t need to be refunded until a forwarding address is provided
Utah 30 days
Vermont 14 days, including if the tenant abandons the property without notice
Virginia 45 days
Washington 30 days
Washington D.C.
  • 45 days if no deductions
  • 45 days with deductions to provide written notice + additional 30 days after written notice to return deposit
West Virginia
  • 45 days after the next tenant moves in or
  • 60 days after the lease ends, whichever is earlier
  • +15 days to send notice if a contractor is required to fix damage exceeding cost of security deposit
Wisconsin 21 days
  • 15 days after the tenant provides an address or
  • 30 days after the lease ends, whichever is later
  • +30 days if deductions are made for damage

The laws of your city or town may require a shorter period to return the security deposit. Check your local laws to see if there is a security deposit return deadline that differs from state statute.

When Does the Return Period Start?

The deadline to return a security deposit is typically measured from the date the tenant provides a forwarding address, the lease term ends, the tenant moves out, or after a combination of these events occurs.


In Texas, the deadline to return a security deposit is 30 days, measured from the day the tenant moves out. So if a tenant moves out on May 1st, any remaining portion of the security deposit must be returned by the end of the day on May 31st.

State Start of Return Deadline
Alabama Lease term ends and
Tenant moves out
Alaska Lease term ends and
Tenant moves out
Arizona Lease term ends and
Tenant moves out and
Tenant requests the security deposit in writing
Arkansas Lease term ends and
Tenant moves out
California Tenant moves out
Colorado Lease term ends and
Tenant moves out
Connecticut Lease term ends or
Tenant provides a forwarding address
Delaware Lease term ends
Florida Tenant moves out
Georgia Tenant moves out
Hawaii Lease term ends
Idaho Tenant moves out
Illinois Tenant moves out
Indiana Tenant moves out
Iowa Lease term ends and
Tenant provides a forwarding address
Kansas Lease term ends and
Tenant moves out
(except the day the landlord determines deductions triggers a 14-day return period)
Kentucky No state statute
Louisiana Lease term ends
Maine Lease term ends
Maryland Lease term ends
Massachusetts Lease term ends
(or when the tenant moves out in a tenancy-at-will)
Michigan Tenant moves out
Minnesota Lease term ends and
Tenant provides delivery instructions
Mississippi Lease term ends and
Tenant moves out and
Tenant requests the security deposit
Missouri Lease term ends
Montana Lease term ends or 
Tenant moves out
(whichever is earlier)
Nebraska Lease term ends
Nevada Lease term ends
New Hampshire Lease term ends
New Jersey Lease term ends
New Mexico Lease term ends or
Tenant moves out
(whichever is later)
New York Tenant moves out
North Carolina Lease term ends and
Tenant moves out
North Dakota Lease term ends and
Tenant moves out
Ohio Lease term ends and
Tenant moves out
Oklahoma Lease term ends and
Tenant moves out and
Tenant requests the security deposit
Oregon Lease term ends and
Tenant moves out
Pennsylvania Lease term ends or
Tenant moves out
(whichever is earlier)
Rhode Island Lease term ends and
Tenant moves out and
Tenant provides a forwarding address
South Carolina Lease term ends and tenant moves out or
Tenant requests the security deposit
(whichever is later)
South Dakota Lease term ends and
Tenant provides a forwarding address
Tennessee No state statute
Texas Tenant moves out and
Tenant provides a forwarding address
Utah Tenant moves out
Vermont Tenant moves out
Virginia Lease term ends or
Tenant moves out
(whichever is later)
Washington Lease term ends and tenant moves out or
Landlord learns that the tenant abandoned the unit
Washington D.C. Lease term ends
(landlords gain additional time by sending a statement that deductions will be made)
West Virginia Lease term ends or
Next tenant moves in
Wisconsin Tenant moves out or
Tenant is evicted
Wyoming Lease term ends or
Tenant moves out
(whichever is later)

