Landlord’s Right To Entry in Illinois

Landlord’s Right To Entry in Illinois

Last Updated: February 24, 2025 by Roberto Valenzuela

Legal Reasons for Entry
  • Inspections
  • Maintenance
  • Emergencies
Notice Requirement
  • No Specific Requirement
Penalties for Illegal Entry
  • Court Injunction
  • Cost of Damages
  • Breaking the Lease

Does a Landlord Have the Right To Enter a Rental Property in Illinois?

Illinois landlords have the right to enter a rental property for the following reasons:

  • Inspecting the property
  • Maintenance and repairs
  • Emergencies

Can a Landlord Enter Without Permission in Illinois?

Illinois landlords can legally enter a rental property without permission when there’s an emergency. In other cases, the tenant can refuse an unreasonable entry.

Can a Landlord Enter Without the Tenant Present in Illinois?

Illinois landlords can legally enter a rental property without the tenant present.

Can a Landlord Show a House While Occupied in Illinois?

Illinois landlords can show an occupied house, but only if this privilege is reserved in the lease. Otherwise, the landlord and the tenant have to negotiate on a case by case basis.

How Often Can Landlords Conduct Routine Inspections in Illinois?

Illinois landlords have no specific limit on how often they can enter for inspections. The landlord isn’t allowed to enter unreasonably often, but what’s reasonable gets decided case by case.

How Much Notice Does a Landlord Need To Provide in Illinois?

Illinois landlords are not subject to a specific requirement for advance notice. As a general rule, 24 hours is reasonable notice unless there’s a specific reason for another amount.

Can a Landlord Enter Without Notice in Illinois?

Illinois landlords don’t have to provide advance notice when entering for an allowed purpose, although repeated entries with no notice may violate the tenant’s right to quiet enjoyment of the premises.

How Can Landlords Notify Tenants of an Intention To Enter in Illinois?

Illinois landlords can notify tenants verbally or in writing about an intention to enter.

Can a Tenant Refuse Entry to a Landlord in Illinois?

Illinois tenants can refuse entry requests any time they believe in good faith that the entry is unreasonable (for example, if it’s for a showing of the property at 2:00 AM). However, if the landlord disagrees, he may give the tenant a ten-day Notice to Quit and attempt eviction.

What Happens If the Tenant Illegally Refuses Entry to the Landlord in Illinois?

Illinois landlords can deliver a ten-day Notice to Quit and attempt eviction against a tenant who illegally refuses entry.

Can a Tenant Change the Locks Without Permission in Illinois?

Illinois tenants can change locks without permission if the lease doesn’t say otherwise. Note that the landlord still has a right to enter for specific reasons, so it’s recommended that tenants provide copies of current keys.

What Can a Tenant Do If the Landlord Enters Illegally in Illinois?

Illinois tenants can sue for an injunction and monetary damages when the landlord enters illegally. The tenant could alternatively give the landlord a notice of violation, and then terminate the lease after 15 days if the landlord doesn’t correct the situation.
