Maryland Rent Increase Laws

Maryland Rent Increase Laws

Last Updated: May 27, 2024 by Roberto Valenzuela

Rent Increase Facts Answer
Reason Needed? No
Maximum Amount No state statute
Required Notice 90 days: lease term over one month
60 days: lease term over one week, up to one month
21 days: lease term one week or less, oral lease
7 days: lease term one week or less, written lease

Does Maryland Have Rent Control Laws?

Maryland does not have statewide rent control laws limiting the amount landlords may ask for. However, cities and counties can establish local rent control laws, like in Takoma Park.

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When Can a Landlord Raise Rent in Maryland?

Landlords in Maryland can raise the rent at any time, as long as they comply with the following:

  • Aren’t raising rent for discriminatory or retaliatory reasons
  • Give reasonable notice
  • Wait until the end of the lease term (unless otherwise specified in the lease)


90 days before the end of a year-long lease, a landlord sends the tenant a notice that rent will increase by 3% if they choose to renew the lease.

When Can’t a Landlord Raise Rent in Maryland?

Landlords in Maryland may not raise the rent if:

  • It is during the middle of a lease’s fixed term (unless stated otherwise in the lease agreement)
  • It is done in response to a protected tenant action, such as filing a complaint (retaliation)
  • The increase is applied in a way that discriminates against one of the protected classes specified in the Fair Housing Act
  • The increase is higher than what’s allowed under local rent control laws

Some local jurisdictions have enacted additional protection from discrimination for renters, such as in Frederick and Montgomery County , which prohibit discrimination due to source of income.

How Often Can Rent Be Increased in Maryland?

Landlords in Maryland can increase the rent as often as they wish, as long as sufficient notice is provided each time. However, local governments can establish limitations on rent increases.

For example, in Takoma Park, rent increases are limited to once per year unless the Commission on Landlord and Tenant Affairs approves a fair return rent increase. In unincorporated Montgomery County, rent increases are limited to once per year.

How Much Can a Landlord Raise Rent in Maryland?

By state law, landlords can raise the rent by any amount that they wish. There is no legal limit or cap on the amount of a rent increase. However, cities and counties may enact local rent control.

For instance, in Takoma Park, the maximum rent increase per year is determined annually and is based on the percentage change in the Consumer Price Index. The current rent increase allowance is 3.7% for all rent increases occurring through June 30, 2024.


Some housing units are exempt from Takoma Park’s Rent Stabilization Ordinance including single-family residences, accessory structures, and duplexes where the owner resides in one of the units as a primary residence .

How Much Notice is Needed to Raise Rent in Maryland?

In Maryland, the length of notice needed to raise rent varies from 7 to 90 days depending on the type of lease:

  • 90 days’ notice – Lease term over one month
  • 60 days’ notice – Lease term over one week, up to one month
  • 21 days’ notice – Oral lease, term one week or less
  • 7 days’ notice – Written lease, term one week or less

The written notice must be sent by first-class mail with a certificate of mailing. However, landlords and tenants can agree to deliver rent increase notices by email, text message, or electronic tenant portal as long as the tenant is not required to accept those delivery methods instead of mail.

Local laws may require a longer notice period. In Takoma Park, landlords must give tenants a minimum of two months’ notice before increasing the rent. In unincorporated Montgomery County, landlords must give a minimum of 90 days’ notice regardless of the lease term.
