A residential lease agreement in Tulsa is a binding document between a landlord and a tenant. This agreement outlines the terms and conditions surrounding the use of a rental property in exchange for payment.
Residential Lease Agreement Requirements in Tulsa
Tulsa has no city-specific residential lease agreement requirements or disclosures. As such, landlords and tenants in Tulsa follow Oklahoma requirements for lease agreements.
Landlord-Tenant Rights and Regulations in Tulsa
When it comes to landlord-tenant rights, Tulsa landlords should be aware of the following:
Minimum Living Standards
In August 2023, the City of Tulsa passed two ordinances to help improve living conditions for tenants. The first ordinance provides updates to the property maintenance code and enforces new maintenance standards for rental properties. The second ordinance establishes requirements for minimum living standards, including:
- Plumbing and drainage
- Heating and electric
- Exteriors
- Light and ventilation
- Occupancy limitations
- Fire Safety
Optional Lease Agreement Disclosures and Addendums in Tulsa
While not mandatory, landlords can add specific disclosures and addendums to their leases. This helps outline the responsibilities of the tenant and can prevent future liability issues.
Fire Safety Disclosure
Due to Oklahoma’s higher wildfire risk, landlords may want to include a fire safety disclosure in the lease agreement. This should provide information relating to smoke detectors, fire sprinklers, fire safety systems, alarms, and evacuation plans.
Parking Rules Addendum
Since Tulsa is primarily a driving city, landlords may want to include a parking addendum to clearly outline the building’s parking policy. This should include information on assigned parking spots, street parking rules, and any prohibited uses of the parking space.
Crime and Drug-Free Addendum
Due to the high crime rates in Tulsa, landlords may want to include an addendum stating that engaging in criminal activity, including drug-related activity, is prohibited on or near the property.
Summary of Required Lease Disclosures for the State of Oklahoma
- Landlord’s Name and Address – Oklahoma leases must contain the name and address of the landlord or authorized agent.
- Flooding – Oklahoma landlords must include lease disclosure when renting any properties which have been flooded by an overflow of a lake, stream, river, creek or other inland water within the past five years.
- Methamphetamine Contamination – Oklahoma requires disclosure of any knowledge relating to methamphetamine contamination on the rental property.
- Lead-Based Paint – It is a federal law in the United States that any home built prior to 1978 must disclose the risks posed by lead-based paints.
- 1 Tulsa Municipal Code Sec. 101
These provisions shall be known and may be cited as the “Property Maintenance Code of the City of Tulsa” or as the “Tulsa Property Maintenance Code”, hereinafter referred to as “this Code.”
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