Missouri Landlord Retaliation Laws

Missouri Landlord Retaliation Laws

Last Updated: May 16, 2023

Tenant Protected Actions
  • Unclear
Landlord Retaliatory Actions
  • Eviction
Penalties for Retaliation
  • Eviction Fails

When Is It Illegal for Landlords to Retaliate in Missouri?

Missouri law isn’t clear on the extent to which landlords are allowed to retaliate against tenants. Missouri courts recognize retaliatory eviction as a defense, but haven’t provided guidance on what factors weigh toward or against finding retaliation. Retaliatory eviction also isn’t available as a defense in most eviction cases.

What Can Tenants Do in Response in Missouri?

If a landlord retaliates in Missouri, the tenant can raise the issue of retaliatory eviction in court, as long as the court action isn’t for involuntary detainer. If the court decides the landlord is attempting a retaliatory eviction, the court will prohibit the landlord from evicting the tenant.
