Maine Quitclaim Deed Form

Last Updated: March 17, 2024 by Rukshani Lye

What is a Quitclaim Deed in Maine? 

In Maine, a quitclaim deed is used to transfer property from the current owner (“Grantor”) to a new owner (“Grantee”). With a quitclaim deed in Maine, the Grantor can provide limited legal protection against title issues using a “quitclaim covenant.”

If the quitclaim covenant is included, the Grantor assures a clean title during the period they owned the property. Without the covenant, the Grantor only transfers their interest without any promises regarding the property’s title.

Quitclaim deeds are a quick way to transfer property and are most commonly used between parties with high levels of trust, such as family members or close friends.

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What is the Difference Between a Quitclaim Deed and a Warranty Deed in Maine?

The main difference between quitclaim deeds and warranty deeds in Maine is that a quitclaim deed provides less security to the new owner. 

Warranty deeds ensure the Grantor’s complete ownership of the property, free from any title issues throughout its history.  In contrast, even with a covenant, a quitclaim deed only transfers the Grantor’s current interest in the property and only guarantees a specific period.

Warranty deeds are mostly used for real estate transactions in Maine. 

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How Do Quitclaim Deeds Work in Maine?

Laws surrounding quitclaim deeds are found under Title 33, Chapter 12 of the Maine Revised Statutes, titled Property – Short Form Deeds.

In Maine, a quitclaim deed has specific language, transferring the title from the Grantor to the Grantee, including the quitclaim covenant.

The quitclaim deed must be filed with the Register of Deeds in the county where the property is located.

Can You Prepare Your Own Quitclaim Deed in Maine?

You can prepare your own quitclaim deed in Maine. A professional drafter is not legally required. 

Maine Quitclaim Deed Requirements

For the quitclaim deed to be legally valid in Maine, it must follow certain state-specific rules.

Formatting Requirements

Formatting requirements for quitclaim deeds in Maine include:

  1. Paper: maximum size legal (8.5 x 14). 
  2. Text: minimum 10-point.Font: Times New Roman.
  3. Prints in black ink only.
  4. Margins:
    • Top margin of 1.75- inches on the first page; remaining pages 1-inch.
    • Side margin of 0.75-inches required on all pages.
    • Bottom margin of 1.5-inches across the bottom of the last page.
    • No writing in any margins.
  5. No punched holes, stickers, markings.
  6. Original only (no certified copies).

      Content Requirements 

      Content requirements for quitclaim deeds in Maine include:

      1. Grantor’s name and address.
      2. Grantee’s name and address.
      3. Return name and address.
      4. Name and address for tax statements.
      5. The title as “Quitclaim Deed.”
      6. Property address.
      7. Property legal description.
        • The property description must contain the proper descriptors, including metes and bounds such as section, township, and range, subdivision, each different tract, unit, or block.
        • If a secondary document is referenced, information such as the date registered, the book, page, and registration numbers must be mentioned on the deed.
      8. Granting clause – a statement describing the transfer the parties have agreed to.
      9. Consideration clause – the value or the amount of money exchanged.

          Who Signs a Quitclaim Deed in Maine?

          For a quitclaim deed to be legally valid in Maine, it must be signed by the Grantor. The Grantor must sign in the presence of a notary.

          While the signature of a non-owner spouse is not required to transfer real estate in Maine, their signature may be necessary in many circumstances. To ensure clarity in marital property titles, it is common for both spouses to sign the deed, or alternatively, for one spouse to sign with an express waiver of any potential rights.

          How to File a Quitclaim Deed in Maine

          Here’s how to file a quitclaim deed in Maine: 

          1. Prepare the quitclaim deed with the information required.
          2. Declaration of Value.
            • A quitclaim deed must be accompanied by a  Real Estate Transfer Tax Declaration (Form RETTD).
            • The completed Form must be submitted at the Register of Deeds; the amount due as taxes will then be stamped by the office.
            • If the transfer is tax exempt, the basis of the exemption claimed must be mentioned on the Form.
          3. Residential Real Estate Disclosure.
            • All quitclaim deeds used for the sale and transfer of residential real estate ownership must be accompanied by a Property Disclosure Statement.
            • Many transfers generally filed under quitclaim deeds are exempt from the requirement to file the Disclosure, including:
              • Co-owner: Transfers between co-owners.
              • Consanguinity: Transfers to family members in a direct line of descent.
              • Divorce: Transfers between spouses due to divorce or separation agreements.
              • Corrective Deed: Transfers that fix errors in previously recorded deeds without changing ownership.
          4. Ensure the Grantor signs the quitclaim deed, acknowledged by a notary.
          5. File the quitclaim at the Register of Deeds in the county where the property is located.

                    How Much Does it Cost to File a Quitclaim Deed in Maine?

                    The fees to file a quitclaim deed in Maine is as follows:

                    • First Page – $19.
                    • Each additional page – $2.
                    • Records preservation surcharge (per document) – $3.
                    • Each name over four to be indexed – $1.
                    • Maps and plans – $24.
                    • Marginal references (over one) – $13.

                    What Taxes Are Owed on Quitclaim Deeds in Maine?

                    In Maine, the transfer of a property through a quitclaim deed triggers the following taxes:

                    • Transfer Tax.
                      • The rate is $2.20 for each $500 (rounded up).
                      • The tax is calculated on the value of the property.
                      • The total tax amount is divided equally between Grantor and Grantee. 
                    • Many transfers that are generally filed under quitclaim deeds are exempt from Maine’s Transfer Tax, including:
                      • Deeds confirming or correcting previous deeds without additional consideration.
                      • Deeds between certain family members, including spouses and parents/grandparents and children/grandchildren.
                      • Deeds of partition without consideration.
                      • Deeds made during mergers or consolidations of business entities.

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                      How Long Does a Quitclaim Deed Take to be Recorded in Maine?

                      The length of time to record a quitclaim deed in Maine varies greatly depending on the processes, procedures, and population of each county.

                      What Happens After a Quitclaim Deed is Recorded in Maine?

                      In Maine, once the quitclaim deed is signed and filed, the county will process the document. If the deed is clear of any previous filings, a public record of the transfer of the property’s ownership will be made official.

                      How Long Are Quitclaim Deeds Valid For in Maine? 

                      There is no expiration for quitclaim deeds in Maine. However, the statute of limitations to recover property in Maine is 20 years.
