Nevada Landlord Retaliation Laws

Nevada Landlord Retaliation Laws

Last Updated: May 31, 2023

Tenant Protected Actions
  • Health/Safety Complaints to Gov’t
  • Complaints to Landlord
  • Joining/Starting Tenants’ Organization
  • Enforcing Lawful Rights
Landlord Retaliatory Actions
  • Raising Rent
  • Decreasing Services
  • Filing/Threatening Eviction or Lawsuit
Penalties for Retaliation
  • End Lease
  • Repossess Property
  • Sue for Damages

When Is It Illegal for Landlords to Retaliate in Nevada?

It’s illegal for Nevada landlords to retaliate with tenancy termination, raised rent, reduced services, or threatened eviction against tenants in one of the following protected situations:

  • Complaining to the landlord or government about various legal issues with the property.
  • Participating in a tenant organization.
  • Starting, or winning, a proceeding or arbitration where habitability is raised as a claim.
  • Refusing to consent to a landlord regulation that hasn’t yet become enforceable.
  • Becoming a victim of domestic violence, harassment, sexual assault or stalking.
  • Being a worker in a protected class during a general shutdown.

The law allows an exception when the landlord can prove good cause for the alleged retaliatory action. For example, a landlord who raises rent proportionately for all tenants in response to a large increase in property tax is not retaliating, even if a tenant has recently complained about maintenance.

What Can Tenants Do in Response in Nevada?

Nevada tenants can respond to retaliation by suing for quiet enjoyment of the property to recover possession, plus actual damages (and/or up to $2500 in liquidated damages), court costs, and attorney fees. The tenant can also still sue for injunctions and other remedies outside of the retaliation statute.
