How to Report a Landlord in Florida for Unsafe Living Conditions

How to Report a Landlord in Florida for Unsafe Living Conditions

Last Updated: March 10, 2023

Florida tenants can report properties that fail to meet health and safety standards to local officials. These officials may choose to follow up, inspect the property, and cite the landlord for any violations.

What Are Considered Unsafe Living Conditions in Florida?

In Florida, unsafe living conditions exist when a rental property doesn’t have safe and working:

  • Plumbing.
  • Heating (in winter).
  • Hot water.
  • Screens.
  • Locks.
  • Smoke alarms.
  • Garbage removal.
  • Common areas.

Any landlord actions that lead to an interruption in utilities may qualify as an unsafe condition, along with any other issue that substantially impacts the health and safety of the tenants.

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What Should Tenants Do Before Reporting a Violation in Florida?

In most cases, before reporting a violation, a tenant in Florida must notify the landlord in writing about the issue and ask them to fix it within seven days.

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How Can Tenants Report a Violation in Florida?

Tenants in Florida should report violations to the local office or officers responsible for housing code enforcement. The exact process depends on the municipality.

Location Organization Contact
Jacksonville Municipal Code Compliance Division (MCCD) Online Form
Miami Miami Code Compliance Call (305) 416-2087 or email
Tampa Tampa Code Enforcement Online Form

Florida does not allow anonymous complaints. After receiving a complaint, an inspecting officer may contact the tenant for more information. Then, the officer usually inspects the property and cites the landlord for code violations.

How Can a Tenant Report a Health or Safety Violation in Jacksonville?

A tenant in Jacksonville can report a health or safety violation by calling the Municipal Code Compliance Division at (904) 630-2489 or using the MyJax online form. The MyJax site requires account registration. Enter location and contact information, a description of the problem, and contact information before submitting.

How Can a Tenant Report a Health or Safety Violation in Miami?

A tenant in Miami can report a health or safety violation by calling Code Compliance at (305) 416-2087 or by emailing a complaint. Include the address, time of the incident, the landlord’s name, a description of the problem, and the type of violation.

How Can a Tenant Report a Health or Safety Violation in Tampa?

A tenant in Tampa can report a health or safety violation using the online form provided by Tampa Code Enforcement. Enter contact information and the address of the property, then describe the complaint and submit. Many issues will fall under the “Other” checkbox.

What Could Happen to a Landlord After a Complaint Is Made in Florida?

An officer may inspect the property after a tenant files a complaint about unsafe living conditions in Florida. The landlord must fix noted code violations within a maximum of 30 days. Otherwise, the landlord could be fined, and the local government might file a lawsuit to condemn the property.
