Wyoming Renter’s Rights for Repairs

Wyoming Renter’s Rights for Repairs

Last Updated: August 20, 2023

Tenants in Wyoming have the legal right to repairs for issues that place the property in violation of state health and safety standards. To exercise this right, they must properly notify the landlord in writing and allow a reasonable time for the repairs to be made.


In Wyoming, every legal obligation between the landlord and the tenant can be changed or waived through a written agreement. None of the default standards apply if the written lease explicitly says otherwise.

Wyoming Landlord Responsibilities for Repairs

Wyoming landlords are responsible for keeping all of the following in good working condition:

  • Plumbing.
  • Electrical service.
  • Heating.
  • Hot / cold water.
  • Common areas.
  • Anything else necessary for safe and sanitary human habitation.

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What Repairs Are Tenants Responsible for in Wyoming?

Wyoming tenants are responsible for fixing issues that don’t impact safe and sanitary human habitation on the property. They must also repair damage they actually cause themselves, and damage that occurs when they’re behind on rent.

Requesting Repairs in Wyoming

Wyoming tenants must request repairs by notifying the landlord of the issue in writing. The request must be either served personally, posted at the landlord’s residence or business office, or delivered via certified mail. The landlord can dispute the need for repairs by following the same service requirements.

If the landlord doesn’t dispute the need for repairs, he has a “reasonable” time to fix the issue. If the issue isn’t fixed, the tenant must (under the same service requirements) deliver a second written “notice to repair or correct condition” that specifically mentions all of the following items:

  • Description of the problem and request for repairs (repeated from the first notice).
  • Time since request was served, and declaration that this amount is reasonable.
  • Description of remaining problems and demand that these remaining problems be fixed (if some repairs have been made).
  • Declaration of an intent to sue the landlord if the issue isn’t fixed within three days

How Long Does a Landlord Have To Make Repairs in Wyoming?

Wyoming landlords have “reasonable” time (determined case by case) to make repairs after initial notice in writing from the tenant about the issue. When the tenant sends a properly executed “notice to repair or correct,” the landlord must complete repairs within three days, or else the tenant can file suit.

Can the Landlord Refuse To Make Repairs in Wyoming?

Wyoming landlords can refuse to make repairs after a tenant request, by challenging the need for repairs in a writing that follows a number of special legal requirements. Whenever repairs would be unreasonably expensive, the landlord can also cancel the lease and give the tenant 10-20 days for moving out.

Do Landlords Have To Pay for Alternative Accommodation During Repairs in Wyoming?

Wyoming landlords are not required to pay for alternative accommodation while they conduct repairs.

What If a Landlord Does Not Make Timely Repairs in Wyoming?

Wyoming tenants can sue for damages or get an injunction when the landlord disputes the need for repairs, or doesn’t make timely repairs after a “notice to repair or correct.” For severe issues, the tenant can claim constructive eviction, move out, and end the lease.

Can the Tenant Withhold Rent in Wyoming?

Wyoming tenants can’t withhold rent. In fact, if the tenant isn’t current on rent for any reason, the landlord isn’t legally required to make repairs.

Can the Tenant Repair and Deduct in Wyoming?

Wyoming tenants can’t arrange for repairs and deduct from the rent. If the tenant makes rent reductions that haven’t been authorized by court order, this makes the tenant liable for nonpayment of rent and the landlord stops having a legal obligation to make repairs.

Can the Tenant Break Their Lease in Wyoming?

Wyoming tenants usually can’t break their lease. As a matter of state public policy, judges dislike breaking a lease, so it’s usually not allowed outside court process, except in cases of constructive eviction that substantially prevent the intended use of the rental property.

Can the Tenant Sue in Wyoming?

Wyoming tenants can sue when issues aren’t repaired, three days after proper “notice to repair or correct.” They can also sue when the landlord formally disputes the need for repairs. The tenant can seek monetary damages or injunctive relief, including an order to repair or permission to break the lease.

Can the Tenant Report the Landlord in Wyoming?

Wyoming tenants can report landlords for some code violations affecting health or safety. Local health departments handle mold and infestation. Utility providers handle electricity, heating, and water service. Lastly, local code enforcement handles trash accumulation. For other issues, the tenant may have to file a court case against the landlord.

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Landlord Retaliation in Wyoming

Wyoming landlords are generally allowed to retaliate against tenants by evicting or changing the terms of the tenancy in response to something the tenant does. If the response is legal in general, it’s still legal for a landlord to do even with a retaliatory intention.

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