Connecticut Eviction Notice Forms

Last Updated: April 25, 2024 by Roberto Valenzuela

A Connecticut eviction notice form is a legal demand for a tenant to comply with the terms of the rental agreement or else move out of the premises. Connecticut landlords may deliver an eviction notice because of unpaid rent, lease violations, or illegal activity on the rental property.

Types of Connecticut Eviction Notice Forms

Notice Form Grounds Curable?
3 Day Notice To Quit Unpaid Rent Yes
15 Day Notice To Comply or Vacate Lease Violation Yes
3 Day Notice To Vacate Illegal Activity

Repeat Lease Violation

30 Day Notice To Vacate End of / No Lease No
Many Connecticut properties are federally entitled to a minimum 30 days of advance notice before a landlord can file for eviction. This minimum applies to any residential property covered by the federal Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act, even after the act’s other protections have expired.

Connecticut 3 Day Notice To Quit

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A Connecticut 3 Day Notice To Quit evicts a tenant for nonpayment of rent. In Connecticut, rent is late when not paid within nine (9) calendar days of the date it is normally due (four (4) days, for week-to-week tenancies only).  The tenant must pay all past due rent or else move out within three (3) calendar days of receiving notice.

This notice must be delivered by a state marshal or proper officer.

Connecticut 15 Day Notice To Comply or Vacate

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A Connecticut 15 Day Notice To Comply or Vacate evicts a tenant on the basis of a lease violation. This might include property damage, failure to maintain health and safety on the rental property, or interfering with the quiet enjoyment of neighbors, among other things.

The tenant must take appropriate corrective action, or else, move out within fifteen (15) calendar days of receiving notice.

Connecticut 3 Day Notice To Vacate

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A Connecticut 3 Day Notice To Vacate evicts a tenant for an “incurable” lease violation, i.e., one which the tenant is not allowed to restore through corrective action. In general, incurable violations are things like illegal activity, or repeating a lease violation of the same or similar nature within six (6) months. The tenant must move out within three (3) calendar days of receiving notice.

This notice must be delivered by a state marshal or proper officer.

Connecticut 30 Day Notice To Vacate

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A Connecticut 30 Day Notice To Vacate form terminates a tenancy with or without a written lease, or on an expired lease, regardless of how often rent is paid. The non-terminating party must receive notice at least thirty (30) calendar days before the date of termination.

How To Write an Eviction Notice in Connecticut

Connecticut law requires that a most forms of eviction notice contain language substantially similar to the following:

I (or we) hereby give you notice that you are to quit possession or occupancy of the (land, building, apartment or dwelling unit, or of any trailer or any land upon which a trailer is used or stands, as the case may be), now occupied by you at (here insert the address, including apartment number or other designation, as applicable), on or before the (here insert the date) for the following reason (here insert the reason or reasons for the notice to quit possession or occupancy using the statutory language or words of similar import, also the date and place of signing notice). A.B.

The law further stipulates: “If the owner or lessor, or the owner’s or lessor’s legal representative, attorney-at-law or attorney-in-fact knows of the presence of an occupant but does not know the name of such occupant, the notice for such occupant may be addressed to such occupant as John Doe, Jane Doe or some other alias which reasonably characterizes the person to be served.”

All Connecticut eviction notices must also contain a notice of tenant rights advising that the tenant may be able to obtain free legal counsel related to the eviction.

How To Calculate Expiration Date in Connecticut

The “clock” for an eviction notice period starts “ticking” the day after the notice gets delivered (served). For example, to give at least 30 days of notice and begin court action as of June 30th, delivery of the eviction notice must be no later than May 31st. 

In most jurisdictions, if the last day of a notice period is a Saturday, Sunday, or legal holiday, the notice period continues to run until the end of the next day that is not a Saturday, Sunday, or legal holiday. This is called the “next judicial day;” in other words, the next day a courthouse is open.

How To Serve an Eviction Notice in Connecticut  

Connecticut landlords who are giving notice of an expiring lease, or delivering a Notice To Comply or Vacate, may inform the tenant by any method which effectively brings it to the tenant’s attention.

Landlords who want the legal option to regain possession of a property when terminating a lease for a valid reason must have the notice delivered by an officer or authorized process server. The third party who serves the process may deliver it by hand or leave it at the tenant’s address.

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