Colorado Rental Agreement

Last Updated: February 17, 2025 by Roberto Valenzuela

A Colorado rental agreement is a legal contract between a landlord overseeing a rental property and a tenant who wishes to use it. Colorado landlord-tenant law governs and regulates these agreements.

Colorado Rental Agreement Types

10 pages
Residential Lease Agreement

A Colorado residential lease agreement (“rental agreement”) is a legal contract for a tenant to rent a residential property from a landlord, subject to terms and conditions agreed by all parties.

8 pages
Month-to-Month Rental Agreement

A Colorado month-to-month lease agreement is a contract (not necessarily written) where a tenant rents property from a landlord. The full rental term is one month, renewable on a month-to-month basis.

3 pages
Rental Application Form

Colorado landlords may use a rental application form to screen prospective tenants. A rental application collects information relating to finances, rental history, and past evictions.

7 pages
Residential Sublease Agreement

A Colorado sublease agreement is a legal contract where a tenant ("sublessor") rents (“subleases”) property to a new tenant (“sublessee”), usually with the landlord’s permission.

9 pages
Roommate Agreement

A Colorado roommate agreement is a legal contract between two or more people (“co-tenants”) who share a rental property according to rules they set, including for things like splitting the rent. This agreement binds the co-tenants living together, and doesn’t include the landlord.

8 pages
Commercial Lease Agreement

A Colorado commercial lease agreement is a legal contract arranging the rental of commercial space between a landlord and a business.

Common Residential Rental Agreements in Colorado

  • Boulder, Colorado Model Lease Agreement – This template, provided by the City of Boulder, is in common use throughout that area. It covers local concerns in a thorough manner, including considerations like bear-proof containers.

Colorado Required Residential Lease Disclosures

  • Landlord’s Name and Address (required for all leases) – All residential leases in the state of Colorado must contain the name and address of the landlord or authorized agent, to enable smooth communication of legal notice. When contact information changes, the landlord must provide updated information within one business day.
  • Radon Gas Disclosure (required for all leases) – Colorado law requires that all residential lease agreements include a radon gas disclosure. This must include a a formal statement about the dangers of radon gas, plus current information about radon testing and concentrations on the property. The disclosure is not valid unless signed by the tenant.
  • Income Non-Discrimination Disclosure (required for most leases) – Colorado requires a rental agreement, by default, to contain a statement that the state prohibits discrimination based on source of income as long as ability to pay rent is verified. Small-scale landlords operating five or fewer total rental units are exempt from this disclosure requirement.
  • Lead-Based Paint Disclosure (required for some leases) – For any property built before 1978, federal law requires that a Colorado residential lease must contain a lead-based paint disclosure with an EPA informational pamphlet, plus notice of any lead hazards on the property.

To learn more about required disclosures in Colorado, click here.

Some Colorado cities, like Denver and Colorado Springs, may require additional disclosures. Local laws may apply, not just state laws.

Colorado Landlord Tenant Laws

  • Warranty of Habitability – Colorado landlords can only rent out habitable property, which means providing certain features essential to basic health and safety like heat, plumbing, electricity, and sound structural elements. Landlords must begin repairs within 24-96 hours after proper notice from the tenant, depending on the issue. Failure to repair lets a tenant sue the landlord or terminate the lease. Tenants usually aren’t allowed to repair and deduct, or withhold rent.
  • Evictions – Colorado landlords may evict for rent default, lease violations, or illegal acts, among other things. Before filing eviction, landlords must serve tenants with prior notice to pay or quit, depending on the eviction type. This means most evictions in Colorado take from about a week to a little more than a month. This can be significantly extended if a property was covered by the federal CARES Act, which extends the minimum eviction notice to 30 days.
  • Security Deposits – Colorado caps most security deposits at two months’ rent. By default, a landlord has one month to return a tenant’s security deposit.
  • Lease Termination – Colorado fixed-term leases usually can’t be terminated early without active military duty, landlord harassment, uninhabitable property, or domestic abuse. The amount of notice required for other leases depends on the frequency of rent payment.
  • Rent Increases and Fees – Colorado landlords can raise rent by any amount, whenever they want, with no particular requirements for justification or advance notice. The state caps late fees at $50 or 5% of the past due rent payment. The late fee may only be charged once per past due payment, and they must be be collected by the seventh calendar day after rent is late. Returned check fees are capped at $20.
  • Landlord Entry – Colorado landlords may enter rental property for purposes reasonably related to the tenancy, such as maintenance and inspections. The state does not specify the amount of advance notice required before a landlord enters in most situations, but because of certain entry laws for inspections it’s assumed to be 48 hours in most cases.
  • Settling Legal Disputes – Colorado allows landlord-tenant disputes in its small claims courts, as long as the amount in controversy is under $7,500. Evictions are not allowed in small claims.

To learn more about landlord tenant laws in Colorado, click here.
